God is in CONTROL

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Thankful for THE STORY

I want to condense the birth story into segments that my grandbabies can understand.  

We have a creche from our 1998 trip to Bethlehem - It's a favorite of their's all year long.  

With all the rain yesterday and reduced energy -- all I got done was the tree and the hearth.   

I want my decorations this year to reflect the salvation story. . the hearth is about the Shepherds.

I have an advent calendar that I plan to put little symbols in to help them track it---

But how do I break it down???

I love the parts of old Elizabeth and Zechariah -- faithful and infertile -- until God visits him at the temple and strikes him speechless.  They both are prophets in their own right as she speaks words over Mary calling her babe in the womb "her LORD".  What a reassuring word to a scared pregnant young girl - away from home -- with another woman also with an unplanned pregnancy.

Jill Krick posed a good questions --"Why would God choose an young girl probably an early teen -- to be a mother to the Savior of the world???  Why not an experienced mom -- who'd already raised lots of kids?"

Zechariah gives the proclamation at the birth of John that his baby boy is going to be a prophet announcing God's salvation.  

Did the angels all clamor to get to be the one chosen to make these visits and announce the good news?

I love Mary's firm resolve to allow it to be as the Lord has said.  I don't think Mary was in to power and control or she would have told that angel right then and there -- to be about his business -- no way was she going to be the talk of the village.

Sleepy Joseph woke up by an angel told that his pregnant girlfriend was really on mission with God.

What were those nine months like for Mary?  When she got home from Elizabeth's house - she was beginning to show.  Had she already told her parents?  Did they believe her?  Was Joseph distant with her?  

A long trip to pay taxes -- ON A DONKEY?   At  NINE MONTHS? -- 
So many angel visits-- so much connection with the starry hosts and guiding stars.  Why was  their first baby visit from a bunch of rowdy sheepherders?  

Isaiah calls him our PRINCE OF PEACE - born into Herod's crazy Kingdom





A lot of names to put on a little baby -- 

I guess the one that best describes it all is EMMANUEL -- GOD WITH US!

Come to a smelly barn - to poor folk - to the unsuspecting people.  A GOD who wants to get right in the middle of it all with us.
I don't know how much of all this will fit in those tiny circles -- but it's big in my heart right now.

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