God is in CONTROL

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

The Times We Live In

 We're news junkies!!!  I confess -- the past few weeks with the heat index at all time highs and the unfolding situation in Afghanistan -- not to mention the Southern border crisis has kept me watching hourly updates and waking up wondering how many more people were able to clear airspace and leave this cruel, inhumane country while I was asleep.

Never before have I questioned our country's leaders as I have in the past months and years.  I have gone from cringing every time our leader spoke or tweeted to the nation to questioning the cognition of our current leader.  I admit, its easy to judge and make arm-chair decisions when the responsibility is not mine.  But what I am seeing is that no one in leadership accepts responsibility for the state of depravity we are falling into.

The current culture of Woke mentality leaves us robbed of our gender identity, ethnic roots, and even our country's past.  Loyalty to our country is considered racist in some sectors.  No one is denying that our country committed atrocities against the blacks and Native Americans -but even flying the flag or supporting the police can be seen as racist or suspect.

The verse that comes to mind:  "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil."

The current mindset is dividing us into tribes and warring factions.  HATE and ANGER are the by-products.  CoVID is being used to further separate our nation into tribes of dissent.  Our economy is being drained to create a Socialist government and the CoVID is being given as the excuse for dolling out trillions to support this mindset.  

Drugs and crime and even terrorists are streaming across the Southern Border.  Children are being hurt in these caravan crossings.  Lawlessness reins in this area.

Above all, Christianity is being seen as ludicrous.    

My biggest concern is what will be the state of our nation that our grandchildren will raise their children in.  

When I read the Word, I see God has always had a people -- throughout history there has always been a remnant whom HE delivered.  I truly believe that as the world grows darker HIS light will shine brighter.

My prayer is LORD HEAL OUR LAND!

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