God is in CONTROL

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Mother's Day

I learned from the very best.  My mom was my best friend.  She was always there for me to listen and give wise counsel.  Watching her live a life of deep faith serving her family, caring for my dad through a lengthy illness.  Mom sacrificed for us -- she put our needs ahead of her own.

This was my 39th Mothers' Day  .  .  . I have felt so blessed to be a mom to these two for all these years.

Bethany and Marshall filled our home and hearts and being their mom has always made me so proud!
Marshall and Katie married near this same location in Garden of the Gods 24 years later.

In all of my mothering -- it was to my own mother that I looked for wisdom and guidance.  She never steered me wrong -- loving our kids unconditionally and with utmost care, she gave me strong Biblical counsel.

Like me -- Mom had six grandkids -- 3 boys -- 3 girls.  She and Dad felt it their privilege to pray daily for these six.

Mom was such a vital part in all of our lives.  She loved hanging out with the Grands and they loved teasing her.  As ALS overtook more of her ability to move and talk, all her grands would come to spend time with her.  Marshall home from his sophomore year at OSU and Bethany in her first year of teaching, would hang out in her room.  She would glow when they came in the room and would laugh and catch up with all that was going on in their lives.

My Mother-in-law, Wanda Bell, taught our children strength and dignity in the face of disability.  She did it with grace and class. She was always a "go-to person" for good advice.  She was all about children and helping the less fortunate.  I see a lot of her in Bethany.

Now I'm the grandmother -- our kids called Mom"Nonnie" -- mine call me "Nana:"  This year I got to celebrate Mothers Day with both Bethany and Marshall and our six Grands. Marshall in Denver --- Bethany here in Tulsa.  Once again, I'm looking to Mom's example of grandmothering, as well.

Grammy Jan was in town from Tulsa and we all got to celebrate together on Sunday.  This 39th Mothers Day is my BEST YET -welcoming our newest Grand, Calvin Tucker.

These are my favorite mommas now. I watch their busy lives and the strength they use to guide their children and I am amazed.

Welcome Calvin Tucker Bell!!!

Calvin Tucker Bell, you weighed in as the smallest of our three grandsons-- 6# 6oz. but the way you have grown in two weeks, we think you're going to be strongest of the bunch!

Your Momma, Charlie and Clara were walking you here the morning of your birth!!!  It seemed like the Hospital would never get a room ready for you to be born that day!

While we waited for you, we took walks, built magnet castles, and went to the park.

You have your great granddad's birthday of May 3rd --- and you arrived just 3 days short of your Daddy's 37th birthday.  

     You are named for your great-great grandfather, Calvin Oscar Bell -- 

It was so special watching Clara and Charlie meet you for the very first time-- 

Last week I got to cuddle you, talk to you and love on you----our very own grandbaby #6.  You are all OURS and we couldn't be prouder.

Your arrival was coupled with getting mommy and daddy's house on the market so they can move you to Oklahoma.  So while we rocked and cuddled you, we planted flowers, staged the house, wiped off tiny window prints and moved you over to Grammy and Granddads with the rest of the family to put the house on the market.  In 3 days it was under contract!!!

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