God is in CONTROL

Monday, November 30, 2015

Thankful for My Job

Just like any teacher I get that Sunday night gut wrenching feeling - that tomorrow is another school day.  .  . Monday is always the slowest day of my week and then the rest of the week sails by.

I hear lots of teachers talk about it -- even though they love their jobs and enjoy their students.

I was given the opportunity to teach in Owasso after praying for a job that would meet our financial needs with two kids in college.  I had enjoyed my previous job at a private Christian school -- but it was tight.  Right after my prayer time -- I got a phone call from my friend Pam that there was an opening in the FACS department.  I didn't even have my OK teaching certificate -- but had one from Illinois and Tennessee when I graduated with my education degree in the 70's.

That day I saw the principal - headed to OKC the next day -- got certified again and the rest is history.

I've seen God in so many aspects of my time at OHS.  .  .  I want to give Him the glory for what I do and why I do it.

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