God is in CONTROL

Friday, February 27, 2015

Cancer Kickers

I have been so overwhelmed, overawed and amazed by the scores of people who are praying for me -- I'm on the prayer list of so many different friends' churches. Daily friends remind me that they are praying --  I don't take that lightly.
This has prompted me to start a list of every woman that I am told has cancer.  Every time a student or friend or someone I meet casually, shares their experience or tells me of someone they know going through this same battle -- I add them to my list of "Cancer Kickers".  Sisters who are fighting this battle.  I try to mention them to God often.
I don't know if they have the army of prayer warriors who are standing in for them that I am blessed with -- I want to ask you as you pray for me -- Please mention these same women:
I'm not giving you their last names -- God knows them -- my students mention so many to me.

Donna   /  Shannon  / Linda   / Stephanie  / Patty  /Jan  /  Suzanne  / Marianne /  Gay / Michelle/
Sam K/  Michelle  / Bryan's grandmother / Dee / Leoana / Dottie / Lisa / Kelsie / Ron who won the battle against breast cancer/ Becky/ Fay/ Cheryl/ Patti / Debbie / Craig / Cherry - Liver cancer 3 years

Revelation 5 tells us that in Heaven there are golden bowls full of insence which are the prayers of God's folks  -- Friends and family have been storming Heaven for me -- God's heard my name so often -- creating a lot of noise (or incense as it says) on my behalf -- Please mention these strong ladies and men in their battle to reclaim their health.

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