God is in CONTROL

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Living Your Dream - Fulfilling Your Life Goals

Recently our son, Marshall, said to me "Mom, can you believe it - I'm going to be a surgeon? I am so happy in what I am doing!" I will have to say that about his sophmore year of high school my prayer was "Lord, help that boy learn how to read." He hated English, wasn't too keen on math and had as his life goal to be a drummer and make lots of money so he could support us in old age in a good nursing home."

He presently is in India having just finished a surgery rotation there, another of his goals.

Our daughter said two years ago, I'm fulfilling one of my life goals to run the '07 Chicago marathon." Her Daddy had to stay at his post in the pulpit and our son-in-law and I became marathon buddies as we raced from checkpoint to checkpoint in the Windy City to get a glimpse of her several times during the race. Next weekend they both run the Big Sur-- another of their life goals - to run one together.

I teach goal-setting to my high school juniors and seniors and I try to motivate them to envision a life beyond the high school hallways- envision a life lived large. I had to ask myself -- "Jan, what are your present life goals?" I had to admit I have achieved most of the things I desired to do -- marry a good man, have a family and be a teacher and really hadn't verbalized any major life goals in a long time -- I work to meet my deadlines, finish the myriad of projects I create and just try to make it till Fall Break, Christmas Holidays, President's Day . . . etc.

I don't want to stop before I'm finished so I have begun to challenge myself to dream big again, asking what I could do now with my life in these "empty nest" years? -- There are still people to serve and lessons to teach -- family to love and friends to enjoy . . there are places I'd love to do mission work with my family. Paul said it best, "pressing on to reach the prize of the high calling." PRESSING ON -- sounds like we are to do some goal setting while we're keeping on.
-- It's sure to be an adventure -- God promises to make the way sweet as we run (or walk) to our Ultimate Goal -- the prize of the High Calling.

1 comment:

  1. ..."Stand up for what you believe in-even if it means standing alone."



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