God is in CONTROL

Sunday, June 24, 2018

God's Supper

Communion, the Eucharist, The Lord's Supper -- whatever you call it --is a special time for me and our Church Family.  To get to preside at this table is an honor -- we do it all different sorts of ways.

Today in Sunday school a thought was triggered by our teacher, Preston Hemphill.  He said -- we often make it a discourse about the heinous crucifixion -- it's about love. -- reminding us that this sacrifice was about the extravagant love of our God pursuing us at the expense of His Son.

I thought about family meals when you go home, sit down and are reaffirmed for just being YOU.  .  . that everyone there loves it that you're with them and one of them.  On those times with family --  I would leave there is a deeper sense of who I am having connected with my roots.

God's Supper is a lot like that -- we celebrate it each week in our Church family and for that time it's a HOMECOMING MEAL that connects us to WHOSE we are and that we are LOVED, FORGIVEN and HAVE AN ETERNAL FUTURE.  .   . an infusion of HOPE for the week.

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