God is in CONTROL

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Life As We Knew It

We've been in this house for 27 years.  This room has hosted lots and lots of family celebrations, large groups of 50 plus -- showers, church meetings, luncheons,  -- Yesterday as I moved some furniture -- I texted the girls"I'd love to have some LIFE back in this LIVING room - come on over all TEN of you!!!"  We miss our family!
We don't know what the new normal will look like -- there are even counselors for people with extreme anxiety about returning to life and exposure now that social bans are being lifted. 
I told Bethany -- "I think we're going to have to be re-socialized when this is all over."

Here is where I have to re-state what I do know:

God's got this!

We have jobs -- God's providing our every need.  Thanking the Father that I was able to pay our bills this morning. We have a warm, wonderful house -- people are losing their's.

HE expects us to be smart -- use protection-- and stay connected to others.  We are not alone -- HE sends reminders each and every day --
Germs, viruses, and all sorts of harmful bacteria are from satan.

My mom used to say "this too shall pass" --

Until then, I must pray for --

Our family's protection and creativity with little ones - they are all so tired of this but their mommas are providing all sorts of fun.

Families separated from seriously ill family.

Those who have lost their jobs -- asking who and how to help.

The single mom who just got her positive COVID diagnosis.  

My students in dire situations

Focus on the WORD and the message for our time.

Keep productive -- maintain a schedule -- SING --  TURN OFF the NEWS -- walk the dogs -- work in the flowers.  

Friday, April 24, 2020


I'm not going to say it -- it seems I start so many posts with "Where has the time gone?"    But wasn't it just yesterday we brought you home from the hospital, Bethany?

During the month before your birthday, I kept thinking how could we celebrate you in a meaningful way -- I prayed for just the right way to celebrate YOU! Long before the virus - - I began to think of photos I wanted to include in a book highlighting your special moments.  But the book couldn't say it all and these are some pics that didn't all make it into your book.

You were the baby who hated to nap and toddler who wanted to stay up long past your bedtime.  That same energy you put into each and every day -- running at early dawn and playing tennis, working out, running marathons.

You were the avid reader and still are -- finishing 12 books to my every one -- We could never take enough books on vacation -- on our long drives -- you read the whole way.

I'd like to think you got your cooking skills from my kitchen -- but I don't know that that is necessarily the case.  Your sense of good nutrition and planning makes you a terrific chef.

Halloween was and is such a big deal for you  -- we made all sorts of costumes and even now your kids have some of the best.

You and Marshall always made the most creative games -- making up obstacle courses -- trampoline games (jumping out of that little playhouse on to the tramp)-- or music videos.

You have always drawn on inner strength when times were hard - with moves to new schools and churches, college struggles.  You always accepted the challenge to adjust and work through the difficult times.

You've never been afraid of hard work -- working in high school, college, teaching, outdoor activities.  

Shelby Georjean was your favorite doll and she traveled with you wherever we went cross country.  .  . you were as devoted to that cabbage patch doll as you are your children today.  You are such a good mommy!  It is such a joy to be Nana to your being Momma.

 You and Mat are a beautiful
team and we have loved watching you do life together these 14 years.

You were always creative and a party planner.  When you were six you came and asked me who all I wanted you to invite to my surprise birthday party.  You host the most wonderful parties and family get-togethers now.   Coming to your house in Kansas City was always like getting away on a retreat -- you and Mat always took such good care of us.

Your depth of insight has been a part of you all your life.  Quiet and thoughtful before you speak has been your personality.  I see you as being the family "Grace Giver" -- taking the high road -- looking for the most positive outlook.

You've been right there beside me-- helping me care for Mom -- being my sounding board -- helping me walk through cancer.  Creating all sorts of milestones and special moments along the way.

People are drawn to you -- always giving your friends a listening heart.  .  . being there for their special moments.  You used to keep our house full of friends when you were in high school.  Now your house is overflowing.  

Mat created the Ultimate Surprise on Friday  --

Your Friends paraded and surprised you on Saturday  

We got to break quarantine and join you on Saturday night

You think globally and have a strong sense of community.  .  . whether it is your block parties, neighborhood associations or supporting friends in small businesses.  

When you were just weeks old and very tiny we dedicated you to God at a Sunday evening Church service.  I see you now, loving Jesus - being a strong part of your Church family and sharing his love with others.  That touches me down deep.   Loving you so,
mom & dad

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Our New Normal

Well we've done online Church, "Zoomed" family get-togethers and even had Sunday School today via Zoom.  We did a "Drive-over" the other day to see our family.  We're beginning to get the hang of this "social-distancing" thing.   I told Bethany the other day that when this is all over, I'm going to have to be re-socialized.

The question came up -- what would it have been like in the mid-'90s  when our kids were in school if we had been hit by this pandemic then?  No internet, cell phones, sending pictures, face-timing or live streaming -- Bethany and Mat said they wondered how they would have made it through.  There wasn't "Door Dash" or "Grub Hub" or grocery deliveries.  

Aldi's brings groceries within 2-3 hours, we can even get cleaning supplies and Easter Candy from the drive-through at the drug store.  Amazon and Walmart deliver to our door now.
It's all about teaching school at home on all levels -- Toddlers -- through College for this family.  


Terry's adapting 2 onsite TCC classes to online and teaching his OKWU classes.  
I set up an office using two laptops to conference, grade and do lesson plans while I keep office hours twice a day.  

Fridays at OHS - OnLine School are Ram Gear Day

But we are making use of this time and putting it to good purposes doing all sorts of projects:

Terry is building a walk-way in the yard -- and getting a flowerbed ready for crepe myrtle when it arrives. . . getting the mower ready for summer.
The Edmond Bells built a new playhouse last weekend.

I have made decorator pieces from my childhood quilt that is 70+ years old and was falling apart.
Not wanting to totally throw it away -- I made a table runner, framed part of it and made a pillow.


The kids are being super creative:  Breakfast with Mickey and Minnie and are great sports at this whole thing of being sheltered in.  Creative parents are easing the stress.  

The Goodletts have tie-dyed T-shirts.  Mommas are keeping them busy and learning.
We're cutting our own hair

The kids are playing lots of board games

Jack is learning to read and roller blade.

We're all spending lots of time outside

We celebrate Easter  COVID STYLE --
Saturday's roaming rabbit

Charlie's roaming Easter egg

Charley is almost potty trained!! (notice big-boy briefs instead of a diaper)
Easter luncheon sheltered in after Zooming Sunday Service

The Goodletts up early -- going for a cold swim

 Enjoying TWO Easter Egg Hunts --

Easter Visit - Outdoors only sharing an "air-hug"

3 Little Bells fishing on Easter morning.
I'm sure glad we got to spend two nights with them at the beginning of Spring Break -- with this shelter in place - it may be several weeks before we get to see them.  Calvin is getting so big during this time. 

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