God is in CONTROL

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Christmas - COVID Style

 COVID has taught us many things:  

    > all plans can be subject to change, even at the last minute

    > enjoy, enjoy, enjoy your people when you do get a chance to be together.

We made our plans -- to get together last Sunday - on the 20th --for a safe Christmas lunch together all 12 of us.   I had stuffed all one dozen twice-baked potatoes, the ham was big enough, roll dough was made and all I had to finish was two desserts when Bethany got a call from the school principal that Campbell had to be quarantined so they would have to miss. I had been battling an infection for two weeks - not sure if it was COVID-- so we decided to call it off and all stay safe and celebrate separately in smaller groups. Both Mat and Marshall got the first vaccine a few days ago -- but we have to be cautious, anyway as they battle COVID  every day.

Marshall was on call all week in Edmond - so Terry and I headed to Edmond Tuesday 12/23 in the afternoon and celebrated with our Bell bunch Tuesday - Thursday.  Even though they live only 100 miles down the interstate, we hadn't been over since mid-summer. 

We did some Baby Jesus Crafts . . . 

Made some ornaments . . . 

Opened some gifts . . .

Katie and I crocheted  hats

Pawpaw kept everything lively and was the source of fun

We hosted Bethany and Mat and the "Goodletts" on Christmas eve and joined them for breakfast Christmas morning and dinner Christmas night.  

Christmas Eve service online

Christmas Eve

Gifts and Nerf War

Bethany and Terry making their annual Christmas Day Chocolate 
Pecan Pie

Bethany set a beautiful table.

Pre-New Years we joined Marshall and Katie at a Lake House in Broken Bow for a couple of nights.  The forecast of rain proved to be true and we came up with indoor fun.  
Monday we got to have a play day and time with the Goodletts always promises lots of creative games.

We resorted to our hobbies, computer work, school work for the kids we each had our work with us and lots of games and toys for the kids.

Pawpaw was the source of fun and settling booboos and broken hearts.

After 24 hours of rain, we decided to head for home.

Clara has joined in the crafting making a tie quilt as they drove home

Thursday, December 10, 2020

What Now?


We sang the hymns, we told the stories, you wouldn't have wanted so much attention drawn to yourself -- but we got to have our say.

Allen, was right, you did "cut in line" and go first.  

Allen was right again-- you are ALL our heroes.

I like that phrase I read from Beth Moore, "Laughter is inaudible HOPE".

Your sense of humor and the ability to help others laugh is what so many people mentioned right along with your faith, devotion to family, the Church and your love for life.  People were drawn to you for your stories -- and Oh, we remembered so many.  You spread HOPE with your humor.

Bethany said, Uncle Bill is the one I'd most like to sit beside at his funeral -- he would say something to make me giggle. 

Bethany posted on Instagram that everyone needs an Uncle Bill in their life during these crazy times -- a person of integrity, honesty, and humor spreading hope and love.

Marshall remembers the way you would convince others with detailed facts when you were pranking them.

As I heard the stories and watched your boys -- young men with families of their own -- I see so much of Dad in you and them.  Quiet gentleness -- devotion to the Church-- leading as an elder.

When Dad passed, the Lord became even dearer to me as the Everlasting Father.

You would have been proud of your boys -- they spoke so well -- they capitalized on everything you taught them. Casey demonstrated your "Junior Birdman" pose -- Tyler recalled that you taught him that pie was an acceptable breakfast food and he planned to pass that on. Casey and Tyler have been strong support for their mom. Char has been such a tower of strength moving through these past days.  She is seeing God's hand in all of this.  In our first phone call that day -- she talked of your wonderful 45 years together.

So many glitches -- the plumbing that backed up in your basement just after you passed and your brother-in-law Scott having to come in with backhoe and plumbers to get it all working.  

--Tyler having to wait out a CoVID test -- only to find out he had the flu.

But we made it through. . . now what?  The Word says in Christ all things come together.

I'm trusting the verse that says precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints -- -- it just all feels so raw right now.

You leave such a huge gaping hole.  My prayer today and for the days to come is that your beautiful family will feel our Father -- the EVERLASTING FATHER wrap His arms around them and hold them close.   We know HE will, the Word promises it.

Thursday, December 3, 2020


It doesn't seem at all real and when I look at my phone and see his name in the contacts or a recent text message, my heart sinks.  

My brother, William Brian Neese, transitioned to Heaven in the early morning hours of this past Sunday, Nov. 29.  He had just turned 68 on Nov. 4.

After I got the word, there were so many phrases and scriptures running through my mind . . . 

"The Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away."  I've heard that scripture all my life.  It was a faith statement of Job that he followed up with "Blessed be the name of the Lord"  Augh -- Those words stick in my throat.

John, the apostle wrote -- "I was in the Spirit on the Lords Day."  On Sunday as my mind was trying to grapple with the devastating news, I couldn't help but think about the reunions that were taking place right then in Heaven.  I could imagine my Mom & Dad at the gates so excited to see their youngest come home just as they would wait for him to come for a visit.,   Best of all, Bill was seeing Jesus face to face.  I have never felt more linked to Heaven.

Hebrews talks about us being surrounded by such a great Heavenly crowd of witnesses -- Bill is now in that circle cheering us on.

So many of my people die on Sunday . . .  both my grandmothers, my mother passed late on a Sunday night.

For all of them, Sunday was always a special day.  Char went to wake Bill to get ready for Church on this past Sunday.

Growing up we shared a rich family life of close community in our local church. We 3 kids grew up on the hard pews of Central & Madison and Vaughn Hill Church of Christ.  Those people were like aunts and uncles to us.  

Bill and I had just texted a contest back and forth to see who could remember the names of all those folks.  10 points to the person who could remember a story or a first name for each person we would suggest.

Our parents took us to family lectures at David Lipscomb -- it was a big church conference with something for every family member. We all 3 graduated from Lipscomb and it was at Lipscomb that Bill and Char met. 

As he grew in years wherever they moved the Church was central in Bill and Char's lives.  Bill's strength and quiet wisdom were an integral part of his leadership

8 years ago, Terry and I got to visit with Bill and Char at their home in Iowa.  Bill was leading the singing and it brought back the dearest memories of when my dad would do the same.  Bill looked and sounded like dad and it took me back all those years.

I've spent the past few days with so many Bill stories coming to mind.  

Bill was the one in our family that kept things lively.  As my cousin Mary said, there was always so much joy and laughter around him. 

 As a little boy he had a vivid imagination -- with his imaginary farm (always the farmer at heart) he would relate vivid stories of what his farm workers were doing that day.  It often mirrored what Mr. DeWerff, the farmer next door was doing -- harvesting, combining or plowing.  He would often watch out the window of his first grade classroom to see what the farmers were plowing that day in their nearby fields.


Bill was the most athletic one of us 3.  Whatever sport, he took it on with the utmost energy.  He would ski, bicycle long contests in the heat in his later years, even teaching skiing.

That creative world opened doors for him later in the world of Agri-business.  Bill became a successful businessman managing grain shipments all over the world.

The land was important to Bill.  He was loyal to John Deere tractors growing up and would love to hang out at the repair shop. Berry farming in the rich soil of PA was a love of his.  Bill has always been a hard worker.  

Bill inherited the Brian humor which included lots of pranks.  Bill preyed on those of us who were gullible and could make us believe all sorts of wild stories. When I was about 8 - he almost convinced me that I was adopted because as he said, "This family only has boys."

For all his antics and humor - Bill was wise and his wisdom went deep.

If Bill were here today in these times of world chaos -- he'd be giving us something to laugh about and he'd insert good counsel for navigating these difficult days.

Bill and Char have raised two strong sons who modeled his love of family, the church, and the outdoors. His humor and creative nature is evident in both of them.

Bill and Char created lots of projects together.  .  . I just put up one of those in my Christmas decorations.  Bill the builder -- Char a gifted painter and quilter.

As Bill retired a little over a year ago, -I wondered- why are Bill and Char moving back to PA when their boys live in different states?

I believe that God goes before us and prepares the way.  I've seen it over and over -- Char, our Father prepares the way before us.   He moved you back here into this wonderful country filled with family, memories of great times raising your sons and a strong Church community.

HE will walk you and your precious family through this time.

Bill's legacy of faith is being passed on to Casey, Layne ,Tyler and Emily and these 6 beautiful grandchildren:  Ivy, Will, Caleb, Oliver, Theodore and Eleanor.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Happy Birthday Paw Paw!


We put the family together for a short time to celebrate Pawpaw's birthday.  We've had so few times together during the past nine months.

Pawpaw enjoying his firepit.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Together is the Best Place to Be!


September 18 we headed to Grand Lake with Marshall, Katie and the Kids - just the getaway we needed before Terry's schedule tripled the number of classes.

October 8 Marshall and Katie shared the kids with us for the weekend while they got away for some much-needed R & R

We all adore this little one . . . 

The baby of the bunch wants everyone else to know 
he can keep up with them.

From the time Clara arrived, she wanted to know when Aunt "Befany" was coming to take her to her house.

TV time is Nana's time to catch her breath -- This visit the kids were all into phonics - whatever object we were talking about -- Charlie or Clara had to let us know what sound it began with!!!  They love their new school.

As they arrived they couldn't wait to share their new song from school.

Pawpaw is the middle man for mealtime.  He cuts food, pours syrup, wipes up messes, and gives second helpings while Nana gets it on the table.

"Sure I can push you, Charlie, Hop On"

Pizza on the patio -- Thank you, Uncle Mat and Aunt Befany!

The 3C's were excited to know their Goodlett cousins knew their Flag song also.

 They all think it's special to have cousins living close.

The BIG QUESTION -- Who get's to pull Calvin?

Super Squirter Water Battle

This Nana loves to have her table full!   

Everyone had to sleep in the same room and under Great Great Grandma Brian's Quilt (a family treasure I found and put together about five years ago.

Terry and I talk often about how our parents would enjoy these great-grands of theirs.  My parents always felt it was their special privilege to pray for their 6 grandchildren.  We, too, count it a special blessing to pray for OUR 6.    

Our little ones are growing so fast--
We can't believe they are already 10, 8, 6, 5, 3 & 1.  
Capturing these times before they get too old to enjoy playing together is so important.  We just sit in our lawn chairs and ENJOY.

We love our times together - we are so blessed!

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