God is in CONTROL

Monday, November 30, 2015

Thankful for My Job

Just like any teacher I get that Sunday night gut wrenching feeling - that tomorrow is another school day.  .  . Monday is always the slowest day of my week and then the rest of the week sails by.

I hear lots of teachers talk about it -- even though they love their jobs and enjoy their students.

I was given the opportunity to teach in Owasso after praying for a job that would meet our financial needs with two kids in college.  I had enjoyed my previous job at a private Christian school -- but it was tight.  Right after my prayer time -- I got a phone call from my friend Pam that there was an opening in the FACS department.  I didn't even have my OK teaching certificate -- but had one from Illinois and Tennessee when I graduated with my education degree in the 70's.

That day I saw the principal - headed to OKC the next day -- got certified again and the rest is history.

I've seen God in so many aspects of my time at OHS.  .  .  I want to give Him the glory for what I do and why I do it.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Thankful for forgiveness

I didn't quite know how I would put it all into perspective about forgiveness until we approached time in worship for communion and T leaned over and said - "Can you take it today?  I didn't schedule anyone"   

The Supper is a favorite time for me and I love to speak about it.

Communion is a forgiveness feast and this beginning of Advent, I got to kick off the salvation story with the meaning of why the baby came - to make a way for us to be fit for Heaven.
Every week we get to celebrate that -- But what better time than the first day of Advent to remember anew that for the baby in the manager - there was still the cross looming in the distance.  

FORGIVENESS:  being set right - having all our sins and mistakes and bad decisions and down right selfish, self-serving acts wiped clean -- totally forgotten by God so that when HE looks at us HE sees

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Thankful for THE STORY

I want to condense the birth story into segments that my grandbabies can understand.  

We have a creche from our 1998 trip to Bethlehem - It's a favorite of their's all year long.  

With all the rain yesterday and reduced energy -- all I got done was the tree and the hearth.   

I want my decorations this year to reflect the salvation story. . the hearth is about the Shepherds.

I have an advent calendar that I plan to put little symbols in to help them track it---

But how do I break it down???

I love the parts of old Elizabeth and Zechariah -- faithful and infertile -- until God visits him at the temple and strikes him speechless.  They both are prophets in their own right as she speaks words over Mary calling her babe in the womb "her LORD".  What a reassuring word to a scared pregnant young girl - away from home -- with another woman also with an unplanned pregnancy.

Jill Krick posed a good questions --"Why would God choose an young girl probably an early teen -- to be a mother to the Savior of the world???  Why not an experienced mom -- who'd already raised lots of kids?"

Zechariah gives the proclamation at the birth of John that his baby boy is going to be a prophet announcing God's salvation.  

Did the angels all clamor to get to be the one chosen to make these visits and announce the good news?

I love Mary's firm resolve to allow it to be as the Lord has said.  I don't think Mary was in to power and control or she would have told that angel right then and there -- to be about his business -- no way was she going to be the talk of the village.

Sleepy Joseph woke up by an angel told that his pregnant girlfriend was really on mission with God.

What were those nine months like for Mary?  When she got home from Elizabeth's house - she was beginning to show.  Had she already told her parents?  Did they believe her?  Was Joseph distant with her?  

A long trip to pay taxes -- ON A DONKEY?   At  NINE MONTHS? -- 
So many angel visits-- so much connection with the starry hosts and guiding stars.  Why was  their first baby visit from a bunch of rowdy sheepherders?  

Isaiah calls him our PRINCE OF PEACE - born into Herod's crazy Kingdom





A lot of names to put on a little baby -- 

I guess the one that best describes it all is EMMANUEL -- GOD WITH US!

Come to a smelly barn - to poor folk - to the unsuspecting people.  A GOD who wants to get right in the middle of it all with us.
I don't know how much of all this will fit in those tiny circles -- but it's big in my heart right now.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Thankful for LAUGHTER

This season is no different --

Laughing - Loving -- all a part of our living.

Yesterday it was catching up with stories --


Campbell had gotten the part of Mary in the Christmas Pageant in preschool.

When her mom was so thrilled to hear it -- she said, "Oh Campbell, I'm so glad you get to be the Virgin Mary" -- Which opened up questions as to what a "VIRGIN" is.

Bethany later asked her who was Joseph --


PLAYING OUTDOORS -- yesterday was a great day for Sydney to work off some of the grouchiness in the Sand Castle.  She baits us every time she comes over with ---

"It's not raining outside"

 "It's DRY"

  "Can we go out to the Sand Castle"

We're ALL enjoying the indoor snowballs - I found a a school sale -- Too much fun and Papa is pretty good at spiking them everywhere -- to which Jack breaks into lots of giggles.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

So thankful

I love traditions and seeing how they mark time --

Girls Brunch at Utica Park to usher in the next 35 days of holiday ---this year we included Campbell and Sydney.

Keeping yearly holidays with some of the same friends
New Tradition:  C & S helping make the pumpkin pies! (oooh the egg cracking)

Same foods around the table --
Nana's rolls - always have to make enough for the left overs

Not a bit of Christmas decoration until day after T'giving at the Bell house and then work like crazy for 2 days to transform the inside and outside.

Next week's Nutcracker (the kids' version) with young mom friends of Bethany's and their little girls.  Sydney kept calling it the Graham Cracker Ballet.

But as we gathered round the table and I was asked to say the blessing -- all I could say was "Thank you for the year you've brought us through."

This morning the kids played after our sleepover - I just basked in the wonder of their chatter -- taking note of how far Syd's language concepts have developed -- watching Campbell get ready for her first 5K - which she did in 40 minutes -- seeing Jack toddle everywhere and observing that he DOESN'T HAVE TO TALK --  because a grunt and pointing gets him ANYTHING HE WANTS!

Getting pics of Clara 3 months old today and happy as she can be!

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Thankful . . . WATER!!

OK -- it seems every couple of days - my thankful is something earthy and practical -- so here goes.

This morning as I was seeing the cable repairman out the door -- his parting words were "There's a big water leak down the street."

At that neighbors started coming out of their houses -- City of Tulsa workers were shutting off water mains and going door to door to tell us 4-8 hours.

Hmm -- the only part of my T'giving baking that needs water is the jello --for cranberry salad.

I guess my shower will be wet wipes and we'll potty at QuikTrip a mile down the street.

Some people have to carry all their water -- and boil it to make it drinkable.  I think we can hold on here for 4-8 hours.

So glad for the modern convenience of water that's always available with the turn of my tap.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Thankful for HOPE

This morning as I was thinking about what ONE element of heart and mind that has been a constant in this season of life --- I would say it is HOPE --

I love the verse that says, "And HOPE does not disappoint us . . . "

HOPE is what was always hanging in the wings -- when test reports were less than I had anticipated.

HOPE fueled me with energy to keep up with treatments and doctor visits.

HOPE kept me looking beyond the moment to the near or distant future when things would be better.

HOPE kept both T and me anticipating Clara's birth.

Romans 15:13

13 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you believe in him, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit

Monday, November 23, 2015

Thankful . . .

After spending a weekend catching up with housework  - I am thankful for all our electrical conveniences like our washer / dryer, and the dishwasher -- one of which has been running all weekend long.
For two people --- how did we get so much laundry???  What family of ten comes in here and dirties up our kitchen?

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Thankful for His Enduring Love

Psalm 136 says it best -- everything that we see is a reminder that God's love lasts forever.

I can't begin to understand it.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

God's Written WORD

It's Saturday and that's the day that in the past I would always spend getting my Sunday school lesson for my "Super Kids" Sunday school class of 3rd - 5th graders.  I find myself scanning my e-mails from Kids Ministry sites for lesson ideas again.  I've missed that in the past year and look forward to the time I get to return to a teaching schedule.
Breaking down God's story to their level of understanding and then hearing it back from their viewpoint enriches my weekend.  

Several years ago, I claimed this verse as a direction for my remaining years.

Even when I am old and gray,
    do not forsake me, my God,
till I declare your power to the next generation,
    your mighty acts to all who are to come. Psalm 71:18

Being fortunate to teach Sunday school helps me to fulfull that mission.

Throughout my life I have come to see that within the pages of God's book is all the counsel, support and wisdom to guide me.  John 6 says that God's words are LIFE-- and I have found that to be so true as verses have given me direction for my day, turned depression to contentment and joy, and worry into peace.

This verse says to me that often times the whole future is not illuminated -- but the next few steps -- seems to be that's REALLY all we need.

Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path. Psalm 119

Friday, November 20, 2015

So Thankful for fingerprints on my doors..

One-of-a Kind Fingerprints Craft:

It means the grandkids have been here

. . . that they had a great snack or lunch . . . or played with something fun and messy . . .

. . .that their being here left their mark on my heart as well as our doors.

Think I'll wait a while before I clean them off -- 
such sweet reminders.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thankful for Youth Alive

This is my second lunch bunch -- I enjoy my first lunch kids as well!

It's Thursday and on Thursdays at noon 50-60  kids crowd into my classroom for lunch together and time the Lord.  I can't tell you what this time has done to help me see the future of the Kingdom.  These kids are passionate about making Jesus central in their lives. 
 Every year new kids from many different Christian groups step up to take leadership..  I tell them they are going to be the next leaders of Churches and I couldn't feel more confident.  I've come to know many youth pastors all over Owasso and beyond and love the messages of hope they share with the students on our special -
"Pizza, Pastor and Pop" days.
Right now they are involved in a Food Drive (totally their idea) for 11 families in severe need of meals during the upcoming Holiday weekend.

Students in our 1300+ student body bring canned goods or cash so that we can create boxes of the most delicious food for next weekend.

What you see is only about 1/3 of the canned goods.

Today's update:  
I got the stomach bug and wasn't able to complete today's collections -- the students took over and created a shopping list for what we were lacking.  I met them at the grocery for other items we were still needing.  They are so dedicated to making this happen.

Our closest estimate is 500 cans of food, $390 in cash and lots of other staple items to stock the pantry of these families.  My room is overflowing with all the boxes.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Thankful for KIds University

In February 2012 Terry and I began an effort we had envisioned -- a program to help children from the neighborhood across the street grow closer to Jesus, feel loved and accepted and increase their skills and abilities.
I am thankful for Kids University -- It has grown and gotten better with God's leading.  He has sent so many special people to help with it over the past four years.  This past summer we took a longer break to be able to regain strength from the illnesses we've been battling.

I am thankful for Caitlin King, her grandmother Madge Edmundson, Lora and Reyleigh Obert-Thorn, Dallas Cooper and Eric Miller who worked with Terry to keep it going last Spring during my chemo.

I am thankful for the times when we get to work one-on-one with these kids and see their eyes light up when they learn something new.  Right now we have scaled back to offer this program for the children of the mothers who attend the ladies' class at Life Park  KU is tonight - we won't have as many as we did this time last year - but for the small group of kiddos who come, I want them to feel Jesus love for them.

I don't know what the future is for KU --  but knowing God is already there - I want to rest in that.

Tonight was all about yeast and how the Kingdom is like it.  We worked with dough and this is Arrissa's loaf.  Her mom said she was up until 11:15 baking her's.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Thankful for the journey

Today is exactly one year from the MRI that put me on this Cancer journey. . . . the one I call J. O. Y,
Jesus has been up close and personal during the times in the pits with dizziness, nausea, achy peeling swollen and tingling feet, numbness in my fingers and baldness on my head. His freshness every morning gave me the strength for that day.

I'm so thankful for what this journey has taught me -
. . . . reminding me once again how fragile life is . . .
  . . . . . .that time with my nearest and dearest is so precious
and that some things are more important ---like rest and taking care of my body --- than the daily agendas I used to create for myself to live by.

Thankful for connections with so many old friends and new people who have come into my life during this last year.

. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." (Matthew 11:28-30, MSG)

Monday, November 16, 2015

Thankful for Life Park Christian Fellowship

So thankful for this group of people who have become Church family to us over the past 15 years. Though the membership roll has changed from time to time - the heartbeat and mindset of this body of people is the same - "Loving People to Jesus."
Thankful for the years that we have been blessed to minister to the Church and the memories of the special times we enjoyed with them and now so thankful for the transition that took place in January for Mondo Jenkins to be the Senior Pastor.  Every Sunday is special at Life Park and we leave there thanking God for what He is doing in this transition.
It's Monday morning -- but still living in the glow of yesterday and meeting with prospective leaders of the Church in our home last night.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Thankful for my brothers and their families

I have two wonderful brothers who have grown to be men of strong character and raised children who now have beautiful famlies of their own.  It is such joy to see the legacy of faith of our parents being passed on through the generations.
As their aunt, I am so proud of my neices and nephews and the part they are playing in God's bigger story.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Thankful for My In-Laws - Artie and Wanda

We have spent time in the past month going to Wichita Falls TX twice.  Driving through Burkburnett on our way there brings back so many sweet memories.  Trips there with the kids for holidays years  -- remembering the good times and great meals around their dining room table.

I recall the lessons they taught us by their example of living in the hard times of debilitating illness for Terry's mom -- seeing Pop be such a great caregiver. .  .watching the rythmn of their days.  Mom's greatest joy of singing hymns.  I loved hearing the stories of their life in the military living round the world and the churches they worked with.

The values of hospitality to so many people in all those places . . . caring for the less fortunate . . .
faith in God is evident in the lives of Terry, Candace and David.  My life is richer and fuller and deeper because they raised a son who learned and lives those attributes.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Thankful for Mom and Dad

As a child growing up - my family was my world. At the center of it was my parents.  We were extremely close and our lives revolved around the Church.  My parents instilled spiritual values into my brothers and me -
We didn't have a lot by today's economic standards but we were rich in faith, commitment and trust.

Thankful for parents who continued the legacy of faith passed on from their parents.

Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup;
    you make my lot secure.
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
    surely I have a delightful inheritance.  Psalm 16:5-6

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


So thankful for the healing that has come.
. . . thankful that my skin responded well to radiation.
. . . . .that we live in a time when there has been so many gains in medical research.
. . . . . . . for the support and help of my whole family.
So thankful for the Great Physician and his helpers here on earth in this whole process so that  16 chemo and 28 radiation treatments are complete.

Thankful for Parker Grace

Parker, you are that part of our family that keeps us looking towards and longing for Heaven.  It is a sweeter and dearer place because you are already there.  Campbell talks of you often and has her own ideas of what you're doing there with Jesus.  You're our eternal treasure.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Thankful for Clara

Oh, sweet baby Clara -- we haven't known you but just a few weeks - but love you so much already.  

You come from a long line of beautiful, strong women.

Here you are with your great grandmother, Jeanette -- Your momma's grandma.
If she and your momma have any say in it -- you'll be a Packers fan!!!

So thankful for the blessing you are to our Bell / Good Family. You have 3 adoring cousins who can't wait to romp with you and love on you. 

Job shadowing early -- learning the ropes from the best!

Pappa and I are thankful for gift you've been to us in this season of our lives.  
"We are sooo blessed" we say to each other every day as we think about our children and our grandbabies!  

Monday, November 9, 2015

Thankful for Jack

OOOOH Jackers!

You are the happy boy who has been through some real tests already in your young life!

You have been the bright spot who kept us grinning when we were glum from treatments and fatigue.

You are enlarging your circle now to include us -- reaching for Papa and me -- but still making Mommy and Daddy your first choice.

You are the giggler -- the grinner and the one who LOVES to watch Papa's rough and tumble with Sydney and Campbell.  Your sisters love teaching you the ropes!

We have seen the bigger picture of life this year as we watched you move from infancy to a toddler who can propel himself across the room so quickly with a one-legged crawl / sprint

Anyone who looks at you is captured by your big blue eyes and contagious laugh.


You are a blessing -- and we're so thankful you came into our lives 15 months ago!

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Thankful for Sydney

Sydney Kate,
I can't imagine our lives without you. .  . you fill the perfect Sydney spot in our family.  You're independent yet ready to hug and cuddle.

I am so thankful for the way you light up when Papa and I come over.

I love your funny facial expressions as you are telling a story -- all your emotions show on your face at the same time!!!

You are trying out big words and throwing them into sentences in ways that make us giggle and be amazed at the same time.

You love
Balloons, dresses,  crayons, writing, markers,


Proving you can do ANYTHING Campbell can -

Making up songs sitting in the back seat

Teasing / bossing Campbell  

Talking to all your little critters and

you love BABY --

Sydney Kate Good - we love YOU bunches and bunches and are so thankful for you.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Thankful for Campbell

This year's superhero CAMPBELL CATWOMAN


HOPE became our word during all those months of waiting for you to arrive. .  .

We came to know you then as the active little baby in the womb who would have dance parties in  every night.

You taught us how to grandparent as we delighted in every antic and new acomplishment you achieved.

You never cease to amaze Pappa and me as you come up with some deep thought or question that baffles us.  You approach each day with lots of determination and nowhere is it more evident than in watching you play soccer.

You love tea parties, playing in the sand castle, riding your scooter, writing and superheroes.
 We remember your early superheroes -- Joshua was your favorite as a little one and we had to listen to "Joshua Fought the Battle" over and over.
You can sing every line of Frozen

You're the big sister who loves to look out for Sydney and Jack -- and even enjoy the bossing -- LOL.  Sydney watches you for cues as to what to do next - Jack giggles at everything you do.

We love you to the moon and back Campbell Hope Good!

Friday, November 6, 2015

Thankful for Katie

times I spend with you - I find myself laughing and having such a great time. I love the traditions we're building of IKEA trips, rushing the grocery checker to see which of us can pay first, and hot dogs from QT.

You bring to our family such a strong sense of nurture.  That's what makes you a good nurse and wonderful wife and mother.  You are the "real deal!"

You've been in our family since early 2009 when you were the "girlfriend we heard about that Christmas, but didn't get to meet".  Sure enough you were the wonderful person Marshall described and so much more.

I remember telling you one day, "you 'get' Marshall".  You believe in his dreams, understand his calling and get his sense of tease and humor.  You two are a team!!!
I remember before you were married, you talked about being a triplet and said, "It was never about 'me' - it was always about 'we' ."  That impressed me and I see that in the way that you put others needs as necessary and important.

You are Clara's special blessing -- and our's as well.  We love you Katie Bell!

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Thankful for Mathew

Mat you have been such a wonderful addition to our family.  Terry and I are so thankful for the love and care you give to our daughter and our grandchildren.  

We've watched you in your practice and hear accolades from your colleagues of the compassionate, caring physician that you are.  As well, those who work for you have such wonderful things to say about the support you give to them. 

We know your dedication to cardiology -- equal only to that  dedication to your family.

We see you come through the door exhausted from a very long 24-36 hour shift and see you change gears and become "Daddy!!!!" to your three little Goodletts!.  Evidence of that is the adoring look in their eyes as they sing silly songs and play with you and experiencing your undivided attention.  

You and Bethany have built a strong and loving family.  You are teaching Campbell, Sydney and Jack to give back already.   

There's always a lot of action at the Good House and that is a tribute to the life pace you set for your children.  I remember early your mantra to Campbell "You can do it, you can do it, put a little power to it.

Your inner strength is the depth of your love and care for others coupled with your generous heart.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Thankful for Marshall

You've always been the inquisitive, deep thinking, mischievious son that kept us in stitches or asking questions.  We never know where you're coming from -- but it's always a blend of your dry sense of humor and deep sensitivity for others.  

Marshall I'm so thankful for the hard working man that you are.  Whether it was tackling those horrendous medical school tests every six weeks, working your first job as a bag boy at IGA (and all the QT hours) or mastering the drums. You earned an A & P license at Tech, got your private pilot's license at a young age, you have been published many times.  Just like when you were young, you put your whole self into a project.

You've not been afraid to dream. You put effort into those lofty ideas and brought them to life.
Nothing seemed to hold you back -- you have made goals and achieved them -- you have always been pursuing a good end -- whether it was the Naval academy -- cutting an album -- sports or your career goals in medicine.

But what makes this momma heart proudest is that you are still the same caring, sensitive, loving man as the young boy I raised.  You bring that dimension to medicine.  That's what makes you the wonderful doctor that you are.

Watching you with Clara gives me such joy -- knowing your love for children -- she's one lucky little girl to have you for her Daddy.

Thankful that you call me Mom.


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Thankful for Bethany

To say Bethany is a delight is an understatement.
This woman lights up a room with her smile and her contagious laughter.  She's the optimistic - "you can do this" gal.
She is the patient mom who gives her children stability and security by helping them know first that they are loved and second that "mommy's got this." while they grow and develop in the ways best for them.  They know that Mom will stand by her rules - giving them that hedge of protection.

In her children I can see parts of her as a child --
The strength and strong will of Campbell - she would set her goals and work hard to achieve them
The cuddling loving nature of Sydney - S wags her baby everywhere and talks to it in sweet tones like I hear B talk to her kids

The sweetness and impishness of Jack - He's ready for action as was Bethany.  She started each day with "what are we going to do today, Mom?"

Bethany can take a maddening mom day and find something funny in it to tell later.  Like the Bell's she can tell a great story.
When she's faced trials in her life and Bethany relies on her deep faith to work it through.  She equips herself with as much knowledge as she can on an issue and makes careful decisions. 

She's the one I bounce things off of to see if it'll fly.

She's my "party" girl who loves to celebrate everybody's sucesses and holidays at her house having every detail covered and every single person's needs are met.
Through this recent ordeal of their house fiasco -- she would say, "it is what it is".  "just think - we'll have something nice when this is all over"  "so many people all over the world don't have what we have"-- she even convinced her kids that eating on a table cloth on the kitchen floor was an adventure  like camping out when the kitchen was all but gutted.

God blessed us richly when He opened doors for you to move back to Tulsa, sweet baby girl!
Your Dad and I are so proud of you.
We thank Him for bringing you into our lives 35 years ago.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Thankful for Terry

I remember when I first met Terry he was preaching at a youth revival at a camp -- I prayed Lord, "I want to marry a man like that."  Eighteen months later he became our youth pastor and he tells the story he looked out from the pulpit and saw me and said to himself that he was going to marry me. (something about I looked like an angel???)
We've been a team for 43 years -- 45 if you count our years of dating -- when you date a youth minister -- the whole Church youth group is your chaperone.  The power of our team has been surely been given a work-out these past few months.
This man gives me unconditional love --insight -- another way of looking at things -- and has shown me the world as we've traveled all over it with him speaking.
 I loved parenting with him and GRANDPARENTING is a blast. (do they still use that word?)  Even when his rheumatoid pain is high -- he finds so much joy in being with and playing with our kids - he calls them good medicine.

He's the Dad who built a play house in a converted den from our garage that had a space underneath for a bed for our guests.  He used old boards from a stadium to make a play house for Bethany and Marshall when they were in elementary school.
He could make up songs and silly stories and keep our two engaged on long trips - he loved our trailer camping and we were able to be on lots of those long trips.
It's not just our kids -- but woven into our ministry years has been different ministires to children we did together.
In the late 70's he was a Bus Minister to 300+ black kids from Memphis' inner city.  He's built a submarine for a learning centers-- devised a plan for a Fort Adventure --enjoyed the ranch theme that two of our men at church put together for our Life Park kids were involved in a kids' Adventure week at another Church.  We have enjoyed our work with Kids University since 2012.
He has a pink gorilla outfit from his days of leading a girl's chorus -

This weekend, I saw it again -- as "Goobers" the Gorilla came out of hiding and showed up at the grandkids -- Jack cried -- Sydney ran screaming for her momma and Campbell backed up as she was saying, "Pappa . ? .? ."  Later he passed out candy with me to our neighborhood trick or treaters-- 
Parents yelled from the street how much they loved our outfits --  
A mom had us pose with her trick or treaters for a picture 
and one little guy on his way down the drive, yelled back,

"I love you Gorilla!"

I do too!!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Thankful - Jesus

Today is what was called "All Saints Day" in the previous centuries.  When I was 9 my grandmother had a stroke in Church and died later that day.  (Having said years before - she wanted to go first and fast)
On that day in 1959 she joined the Saints around the throne.

Today is the beginning of my THANKFUL MONTH -

I am sitting in the quiet of my den and thinking back over the previous 11 months with full knowledge  and a heart full of gratitude for all I have to be thankful for.

J.O.Y.  Jesus On my journeY -- Jesus giving me strength.  Jesus in the lives and love of so many people who cared for my needs daily.

Two weeks ago when I was having my weekly doctor visit - a seasoned seventy-year old, Dr. Cibola,  was taking the place of Dr. Nyugen, my radiation doctor.  He was talking about the connection of the mind - our spirit and our body and how they communicate to each other in the healing process.  I said, the faith component has been a strong force in my life of healing.  At this point he visually relaxed and asked - "WHAT DO PEOPLE DO WITHOUT JESUS?"  and then shared how if he lived our died he got to be with Jesus.
At that point we swapped our faith stories.  Another sign that Jesus had led me to a great place of medical help and hope.

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