God is in CONTROL

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Getaway to the High Places

 That's what Marshall gave us for our birthdays -- yes, remember I DO celebrate for a long time - Terry's is coming up and mine was months ago, and so Marshall booked us a night in the Breckenridge Lodge while he was on call for 36 hours at the hospital..   I rested ---Terry was on a study leave so he spent lots of time at his computer and Marshall worked nonstop at Denver General.  
The drive to and from the mountains was breathtakingly beautiful.  Something about all that vastness makes everything take on different perspective.

Jesus often went away for a time and would retreat
to the mountains.
Did things look different to Him when He came back down?  Something about the heights just automatically makes you look heavenward. . . and then when you have to come back down . . . there is new purpose in what you're about. . . .Marshall did the arranging and God sent the snow!

Marshall had a project waiting for me in case I got bored.  Painted up two walls before we headed up to the high country.

We got in some great time with Marshall and his girlfriend, Katie and were able to spend Sunday afternoon touring downtown Denver by transit train and on foot. With a little help from the kids and Terry's iphone's mapping system we were able to locate the King Tut Exhibit at the Denver Art Museum.

Jesus Loves Me, This I Know

I was shopping Breckenridge's Main street tourist spots yesterday and glanced in a window and read a sign that struck a chord with me  "Jeus loves you, but I'm His favorite".  I grinned and went on to the next stop but it stayed with me.  .  .  Did you ever get to be somebody's favorite?  teacher's pet?  grandchild that had a special connection with one of the grandparents?  had an aunt that repeatedly told you how very special you were?

Have you ever thought some saintly person was surely God's favorite?   because there was no way he could think you were nearly that wonderful?  I have.

I like the idea that I can be HIS his favorite ---  only Omniscience could create a relationship that would allow me and every one else that special place!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Campbell turned 4 months old on Thursday. She's 12# 7 oz. and has changed so much!!!

Cute as a Bug - - Lady Bug That Is

We just got this today -- We'd heard about Campbell's Halloween Costume Uncle Marshall and girlfriend, Katie had brought her last weekend when they came to KC for a visit.  Mommy and Daddy went for a run, so Uncle M and Katie decided to "test-drive" the costume.  She only lasted long enough for a few pics. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

God Never Left

I have been glued to the television as much as I could rightfully do so and still teach school for the past 24 hours.
I went to sleep praying for all 33 to come to surface and can now thankfully say, "Thank YOU God, they're all back from the deep!"

The stories of faith and heroism make me cry.

  >The 19 year old who said there were 34 of us down there-- not 33 -- God never left us!

>The desperate wife who went after the policeman with a skillet when she thought they were abandoning the search and rescue on day 9 before the miners had ever been located.

>The 63 yr. old spiritual leader who was the 9th one to surface who went to his knees and thanked his God that he had arrived home safely.

>The little girl who stood with a hands clutching a dozen Brazillian helium balloons and released them when she hugged her father.

>Singing, "Chi, Chi, Chi,  -- lee, lee, lee",  flags flying, soccer balls tossing, this spirited nation, proudly welcomed home their heroes.

>We kept up with the miners through the day in my classroom with a telecast played on my Smartboard, pulling life lessons from excerpts of news clips that were shared about each man --

>One man said God and the devil were there and God won!!!

>One tiny baby girl, Ezperanza (Hope)  born while her daddy was away has her daddy home safe tonight.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Except you become as a little child . . . . 

I watched Roman and Paislee playing on the little berm behind the childrens' center the other evening. They were rolling down the hill --
              ----chasing the kite and blowing bubbles from the bottle of super bubbles I'd found at the dollar store --
                          - - -Giggling and full of wonder with each new discovery . . . their laughter was like music to me --
                            I got caught up in the whole experience.   I looked in their little cherub faces and saw God at work -- we were outside to enjoy all of His creation and I was seeing it reflected in their faces.

I already see this child-like awe and adoration in my granddaughter's face as she looks  at her momma and responds to her every grin and expression . . . singing along with every note she hears.Campbell Hope's face is reflecting Bethany's love for her.
There's a phrase that has intrigued me for some time . . ."the glory of God in the face of Christ”. . .    In Christ we see God's reflection --

We don't have a visual of Jesus --but do you think maybe we just might get a glimpse of Him reflected from these angel faces?

. . .I want to know Him so very well and feel his love so deeply that my face does that same kind of reflecting.

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