Well the kids did WOW us all -- I saw the light of Jesus in so many places . . . and I think He grinned, maybe just outright belly laughed!
Images still in my mind:

Seven 7 little tie-dyed preschool angels with white organza wings sitting quietly on a bench waiting for their time to go on -- knowing they would get their "light of the world" flashlights when it was all over if they did their best. . . Cheezits crackers helped make the wait bearable. . .thank you, Jenny, for your patient teaching -- how do you do it?

>one "tired-of-it all" two year old -- having a meltdown in the back of the sanctuary tossing his wiseman figurine and wailing -- "I don't want to be an angel!"
>two precious little girls being a part of it for the first time-- with no tears!!!

>hearing four-year old Roman - say "I am the Good Shepherd -- the Shepherd lays down his life for his sheep." His great big banner almost eclipsed his precious little face!

>watching all my primary kids say their scripture lines perfectly beforehand!
We had big kids too, (high schoolers) presenting the names -- kids whom I remember taking part in Christmas plays many years ago when they were this age. (two of whom were tiny angels that got into a struggle on stage --now grown up and beautiful!)

One of the sweetest parts was having our own angel daughter there to take these pictures and enjoy the children with us.
It's the same birth story every advent -- but each year seeing new little faces light up with the telling of HIS story truly carries the message "the LIGHT has come!"
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