It has been a week of sitting in front of my computer every spare minute I could -- trying to make it work. I found out late Sunday night from an HP tech in India who ran a test on my machine-- that the hard drive on my 4-month old laptop had crashed. He explained that they would overnight me a new one and that probably I had lost EVERYTHING I had on my computer. Luckily, I was able to save some pictures and documents to a flash drive.
By Tuesday night I was loading my new hard drive into the underside of my computer -- At this point I was way beyond my computer skills, and still had no way to log on and boot up- - - This required another phone call to India and several minutes later -- was told I needed to install an operations disk and then another long call and a few e-mails later found out that I needed a driver download to correct another problem. By Thursday night I still didn't have e-mail -- so spent another hour on the phone to India and 20 minutes to COX communications to find out I needed to correct my sign-on and password.
At this point I was ready to throw my computer, cell phone, i-pod and all the other technology we own as far I as I could see them fly. It has taken all week to get my computer up and running. All of this because, I needed my computer to access some pictures of my Sunday school kiddos to create a Christmas special powerpoint of them. (another use of technology)
We are becoming way too techno-dependent. Maybe we are even "TECHNO-CO-DEPENDENT". Techno glitches can disrupt air traffic nationwide, ruin performances at a concert, halt church services and even our wreck havoc with our state of mind. What is it about all those wires and motherboards and bytes that has become so powerful???
Terry went to a Computer in-service yesterday forecasting what is on the techno horizon -- wikis, vodcasts, de.L.i.cious widgits and whoknowswhatelse???? He said blogs and twitters are past their prime!!! I still struggle with the DVD player -- don't have TIVO -- or blueray -- can't twitter and not sure I want to.
People no longer e-mail or instant message because we facebook, txt.msg (with pictures, even) and twitter.
All of life is becoming a constant newsfeed!
When did real life face-to-face conversation go out of vogue?
Hmmmmmm -- Look at me -- I'm blogging!!!!
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