God is in CONTROL

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Something Better

In my preschool curriculum, each lesson is preceded by a teacher's devotional segment. I have found these to be pertinent and oftentimes quite appropriate for what I was working through at the time.

The teacher notes for "Walls of Jericho" did just that for me:

"The trumpets sounding in front of God's Ark proclaimed that God's presence was there! As the Ark moved, His glory literally, visibly, moved around those impregnable walls. And that final shout? It was a shout of faith -- it celebrated what had not even happened yet. And it came from the whole nation as one voice, in complete unity. What situation in your life seems as impenetrable as the walls of Jericho? God gives us a plan worth considering. When we are obedient, we bring His presence into the situation. Every time we "walk around it," every time we talk or think about it, we can announce by our attitude of confidence in Him that God is at work there. In faith, we can celebrate what we don't yet see happening. Our hearts are prepared to recognize His amazing power and rejoice in seeing how HE changes the situation."

Our church family will celebrate a 10-year anniversary next month and has been struggling with a-long awaited ministry breakthrough for some time . . . a dream we've begun to wonder if we would ever see come to reality. It's been a trying year with lots of reversals in our plans to build a church building on a cherished piece of property. We have looked to it as our promised land.

I love the 11th chapter of Hebrews because it's faith stories of pepole who had to wait . . .

Of Moses, it reads -- he persevered because he saw HIM who is invisible.

The people mentioned in this great Hall of Faith chapter were cited for something that they did by faith in obedience.

I don't always understand God's timetable and I'm not always the most patient person when I have to wait -- but I do understand what helps the wait -- careful obedience and a clear view of HIM.

THe Sovereignty of God is made evident in a verse from this selection that makes me pause: All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance.
Elsewhere in that chapter, it says,These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised. God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect.

When I see that even way back then, we're mentioned --God planned something better for us --
JESUS -- OUR sins covered by HIS blood --
abundant FREEDOM now --

It puts a new perspective of whatever answer to prayer we're waiting on at the moment --

It's two days until the day we celebrate HIS birth -- let's celebrate THE Gift we've been given. The GIFT that people long ago lived in faith anticipating and believed in so strongly that they would give their lives for --- believing HIM who is faithful.

Whatever breakthrough or answer we're waiting on -- I am convinced once again to wait in faith believing that HE will do what is best for all of us so that HIS purposes can be accomplished.

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