The boundary lines have fallen for me in delightful plalces -- Surely I have a delightful inheritance -- Psalm 16
It's a verse that I have often thought of as my life verse --- along with Psalm 46 -- about God keeping me safe in my gray-hair season. Well, it's my gray-hair season now.
This is the time of year when we celebrate our anniversary and remember our two mothers --
My mother, Lucille Neese's birthday is just 3 days after Christmas and Terry's mother, Wanda Bell's birthday is the day following our anniversary. It was Terry's idea this year to make mom's favorite meal -- or the one I remember her making most often. She made the best fried chicken -- For Wanda, I made her French coconut pie and we ate it in celebration of our anniversary.
Thinking about our moms made me want to get out our favorite pictures and send them as reminders to our kids and extended family. Bethany called it my "walk down memory lane". It was confirmation to me to see God's hand as I looked back on the way God has written my story.
Both our parents celebrated 50 years together.. . both caring for a spouse confined to bed for many years.
Both our parents raised their families in the Church.
Both our parents looked for ways to serve others.
In these crazy times we live where families are broken apart, people look for the easiest way out and truth is up for grabs and even struggle with the gender God gave them-- I think of how protected and blessed I was to be raised in an extended family that held us to a higher standard.- who prayed daily that we would walk in God's way, and reminded us when we veered from it.
As we celebrate these two strong women, I loudly offer thanks for the path God opened up for me. . . and remember as we taught our children, "To whom much is given, much is required."
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