We start with lighting the house to the max and stringing garlands all over indoors and out -- just our way of reminding us that JESUS is the light of the world!
I've baked and shopped (mostly on line) for just the right gift, and anticipated our family time together.
Early this Fall Marshall texted to ask if we'd like to join them for the Polar Express on the 23rd. SURE! Lots of people we know have taken their kids --
We loaded into the car -- (Katie always gets wedged in the back)
We enjoyed a wonderful Italian dinner at Gabriella's in OKC afterward.
The kids woke up early on the 24th and I got to hang out with them over hot cooca and telling the Advent story.

and then we all headed to Tulsa to celebrate with Mat and Bethany.
We out-talk each other as we catch up -- Marshall always livens up the convo with his quick wit.
Our tradition is to set up pictures of the family members who are absent from our table when we are all together.
Meanwhile, in Tulsa, Mat was on-call and they were able to enjoy Christmas Eve at Redeemer.
Christmas morning we watched the little ones open gifts.
Katie and Marshall prepared a yummy breakfast
and then we all headed to Tulsa to celebrate with Mat and Bethany.
We four grandparents enjoy watching these 6 have the best of times!
Grandad gifts boats to be used on their pond
Pawpaw keeps stories going
Grammy hands out gifts and cards
Nana gifts stockings and books --
The older cousins look after the younger ones
That's the way our holidays go: The G'mas and G'pas enjoying the little ones -- loving all the chaos -- the mommies and daddies are doing all the work hosting the best holidays and family meals:
planning the menus, shopping, cooking and cleaning up.
It was our first time to all be together since Christmas of 2019. CoVID and health procedures kept our group of 14 apart all these months.
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