I've said so much about friendship -- I've probably worn out the subject.
This Sunday was my time for the communion message and I start praying about it early.
I have a pewter-looking plate that I picked up a couple of years ago at an antique shop -- it says --
"I am your friend --Accept no substitutes."
I bought it thinking I'd give it -- but never could because I don't see myself as being that "true blue" to anyone --
I reasoned - JESUS is the only one we could call that kind of friend.
As HE has shown me so much about friendship on this 6 month journey, I had placed it on the end table where I have my morning quiet time -- I'm such a visual person -- it was my remembrance - of knowing Jesus as FRIEND through the people he has brought into my life during this season.
I see communion as a FRIENDship feast -- where we come "hungry and faint and poor" as the song says.
With friends -- we show our true colors -- they know us inside and out
They always have our backs
They would go any lengths to help us
They speak truth into our lives (Faithful are the wounds of a friend . . . remember that verse)
The Bible says, "There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother."
BUT friendship is hard. . .
Friends walk away
Friends can become disloyal
Some Friendships stay surface ---
We can't fool Jesus -- HE sees us as we are
At Holidays -- family is expected -- but
At this communion meal -- this friendship feast
FRIENDS GET INVITED -- (Rev. 19 -- Blessed are those who are invited to the Wedding Supper of the Lamb)
JESUS and OUR FATHER GOD sit at the head of the table
When our FATHER looks around the table the amazing thing is -- we all look like HIS oldest boy.
And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
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