God is in CONTROL

Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Made it 1.4 miles walking today -- didn't set any records for speed but at this point -- the dizziness has reduced greatly and the neuropathy is getting better in my feet.  I can walk and not be so winded now.

I feel stronger every day and Friday did most of my house cleaning in a two hour window of time.

God is in the details I know for sure and realize that more and more-- thankful that the surgery was postponed for 3 weeks to enable me to get stronger.

God is good!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


OK - to be honest -- the worst part of this whole thing -- what I dread is the surgery weakening my arms.  
Pain??? -- Yeah- we'll deal with that (don't they make good meds for it?)--
 Disfigurement???  --- scars will heal.
 Reconstruction??? -- that will happen, in time - 

But not being able to use my arms to the fullest capacity?  Not being able to lift more than- 6-8 pounds.  I have growing grandbabies and a new granddaughter on the way, for Pete's sake!!!!!

I'm a person who will figure out a way to move heavy pots (yesterday -- I slid a heavy concrete bird bath to a new spot because I thought it would balance the drive - it almost killed me -- but I got it where I wanted it--- and yes, I waited until Terry was gone to do so)

I carry 6 bags of groceries -- loads of teaching stuff -- Leeca said the other day she had to get used to seeing me come to church without carrying in lots of things for my Sunday school class. I guess I'm the poster child for bag ladies.

OK - I overdid yesterday with the lifting and getting myself out of bed was hard this morning--my strength isn't totally back yet -- just 2 weeks out of chemo -- and my arms were what helped me get up.


There is no one like the God of Israel.  He rides across the Heavens to help you, across the skies in majestic splendor.
The Eternal God is your refuge, and His everlasting ARMS are under you.  Deut. 33:26-27.

I don't know about you -- but thinking of our Father on a horse skidding to a stop to get his arms under mine is the answer to all my concerns.  My worries suddenly seemed pretty small.
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Sunday, June 21, 2015

Fathers Day Favs

Helping Dad on his projects has always been big stuff with the kids!

Dad has always been big on adventure
Real Dads Run Birthday Parties When Momma is Just Out of the Hospital from Major Surgery

Cozemul - communion on the beach!
Austria -- Marshall Guarding the Luggage

Goobers the Gorilla Visits ESL  (Scared the Kindergarteners -- but did teach the "G" sound"

Visiting Marshall in Northern BC

Celebrating T's Birthday in Our Vintage Airstream


Disneyland 1986 -  a trip we got to take with both he and Mom before traveling for them became too difficult.

In my week of sorting - I came across a couple of boxes of Moms and in it were 3 of Dad's journals.

My Dad's hand writing was so distinct- I loved seeing it again.

He was bedfast  and on a respirator for 11 years due to Muscular Dystrophy and he logged the major events of each day.

The first one fell open to an entry about a  friend's husband, Roger Harmon.

The members of the Vaughn Hill Church of Christ were all very helpful -- so many would come at a moment's notice to help in any way.  In fact when they made their move to Indiana, so many came to help -- I'm sure Dad journaled each and every one.  He served as an elder at that Church for 9 years.

Dad's handwriting was so exact and scripted --Something major since one of his arms was frozen at the elbow from a car accident in his early 20's

He was a quiet man - never giving to self-promoting -- so his journal was just the facts -- nothing about his feelings or what he'd accomplished in his lifetime or his successes -- 

Dad's journaling was like memory storage on a computer -- as he and Mom would consult it from time to time when they needed to check something the doctor had said at an appointment . .  .or even when the last repairman was there.

Dad was mid 30's when first
 diagnosed with MD

He was hardworking - he worked at Shell Oil Refinery for 41 years-  As the disease progressed he would go earlier in the morning to work because it took him so much longer to get up the four flights of stairs and leave later for the same reasons.  

My Dad not only instilled values, he gave us guidance and urged us to reach our goals -- We didn't realize it at the time -- probably neither did he-- but He was showing us how to handle life challenges with determination and faith,-- we never heard him complain about the cards he was dealt.

My parents didn't want to be a bother to their kids - despite how hard life got. They learned everything they could about Muscular Dystrophy and tackled it together. 

Dad and Mom believed their highest calling during those 11 years of often being confined to home was praying for their 6 grandchildren.

When I was young he was the strongest man I  knew -- even by that time he had already received 
his MD diagnosis.  He continued to live life,  working hard to support us and instilling in us kids the desire to get a Christian education.  They took us to David Lipscomb College family lectures in the summer.   And above all, we were to find a Christian mate. 

 We never thought of Dad as disabled or ill -- he was DAD and 
we thought Mom LIKED to do  all that yard work and gardening
and carpentry.

The day Terry and I got married was a cold day in January -- I remember him washing the big glass doors at the church so they would look great for the wedding.  (Never mind that within 24 hours, both our families came down with the London flu.)

Dad was so careful about our life choices . . .
As a teenager he would often say "remember who you are" as I left the house --and would give life lessons at Saturday breakfast.  

If the kids and I drove the 12-15 hours from Texas for a visit -- he 
always made sure that I had enough money to get home on.

Being a quiet man - he didn't dole out lots of compliments -- one time as I was in the throes of motherhood with two small elementary age kids -- he said, "Jan, I don't know how you do it" --

That spoke volumes to me.  

Friday, June 19, 2015

Sweet Words

Every Tuesday we count weeks until Teeny Baby arrives -  and celebrate the week milestone.
This coming week is week 30 - which means she is about 3 pounds and 15.7 inches!

The other night in a text message, Katie said "YOUR GRANDDAUGHTER" is making all her milestones and right on target.  I LOVE THE SOUND OF THOSE TWO WORDS!

OK -- I've called her Sweetie Baby, Little Bitty -- and Teeny Baby -- but we moved to a new level of reality.  
I am thrilled to be the Nana of 3 little granddaughters.  I can just think of the ruffles and ribbon I could be putting on little outfits - or COSTUMES -- That's my specialty.

I love having Jack -- such a happy guy -- hoping for more of those little busters -- but for NOW --
Thrilled to have these FOUR!


Image result for jesus at the center of it all

I've said so much about friendship -- I've probably worn out the subject.  
This Sunday was my time for the communion message and I start praying about it early.
I have a pewter-looking plate that I picked up a couple of years ago at an antique shop -- it says --
"I am your friend --Accept no substitutes."
I bought it thinking I'd give it -- but never could because I don't see myself as being that "true blue" to anyone --
I reasoned - JESUS is the only one we could call that kind of friend.  
As HE has shown me so much about friendship on this 6 month journey, I had placed it on the end table where I have my morning quiet time -- I'm such a visual person -- it was my remembrance - of knowing Jesus as FRIEND through the people he has brought into my life during this season.  

I see communion as a FRIENDship feast -- where we come "hungry and faint and poor" as the song says.

               With friends -- we show our true colors -- they know us inside and out

                     They always have our backs

                           They would go any lengths to help us

They speak truth into our lives (Faithful are the wounds of a friend . . . remember that verse)

The Bible says, "There is a friend that sticks closer than a brother." 

BUT friendship is hard. . .


                               Friends walk away

                                    Friends can become disloyal 

                                          Some Friendships stay surface ---

We can't fool Jesus -- HE sees us as we are

At Holidays -- family is expected -- but
At this communion meal -- this friendship feast

FRIENDS GET INVITED -- (Rev. 19 -- Blessed are those who are invited to the Wedding Supper of the Lamb)

JESUS and OUR FATHER GOD sit at the head of the table

When our FATHER looks around the table the amazing thing is -- we all look like HIS oldest boy.

And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Happy 5 - Campbell!

The very first day we met you, Campbell, we knew you were curious and your little mind would seek to grasp everything it could.  When you were first born you looked us all carefully and gave us that steady gaze that you use when you study everything so carefully!

Your first birthday was a big celebration -- I know you'll see lots of pictures of it -- All your family was there -- and lots of families and little ones.  Grammy and Grandad and Uncle Marshall and Aunt Katie got there in time for the big Celebration.

You had just moved to Tulsa when your second birthday rolled around and you weren't quite sure of all 50 people singing "Happy Birthday" to you -- Papa and I  were your safe place.

We love our Saturday night sleepovers when you would come to Church with us singing all the way!

You've loved being a big sister and I heard you say last night before you blew out your candles -- how very much you loved Sydney.
Jack lights up and laughs whenever he sees you!  You're so gentle with him.
You are such a nurturer to anyone who has a boo boo - you're quick with the band aids --even at 3 you would check out my broken ankle and give it kisses.

I love sharing birthday season with you!

You love dress up,whether its a princess, superhero, fancy spider or sheriff  -

You are such a good runner and love to be outside  -- 

You have already started running with your mommy and daddy.

Yes, you're 5 now and . . . 

You help us all see the world from a new perspective!

Sydney Kate

Last Wed. was Nana / Papa Camp for Sydney Kate --

Making her little outdoor gnome house

Playing in the sprinkler with Papa

It was delightful to spend time with only her and watch the various parts of her personality.
Her vocabulary is definitely changing and growing -- everything has to be described in a sentence.

Sydney has a strong independent spirit -- it is "Me DO it" whether it's unbuckling the seat belt, struggling with a pair of pants or trying to climb the Little Tykes Jungle Gym in the sand castle.

Before jumping off the board in swimming class.
sitting next to a little guy crying -- Her face says: "I got this "

She has her own name for me "Neena" -- not what we taught Campbell to call me.

She is 2nd born which means she tries harder, can climb higher and watches big sister to learn the ropes  -- then confidently masters whatever the two of them are attempting.

She loves talking to her toys -- even the blocks and has all these nurturing little remarks for them.

Sydney loves to be picked up -- she loves ALL her people --
and she makes you feel that you're the most important person to her. She's a cuddler.

Yesterday Sydney so enjoyed Campbell's birthday and letting her big Sis be in the spotlight all day.  She went around the house singing "Happy Birthday to Campbell"  all day.  This middle child who is so definite about her place -- and impish to the max with a twinkle in her eye -- thoroughly loved her sister's birthday bash.

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