Being at the cancer treatment center with my dear friend and special family, Jan Good, on Tuesday -
caused me to mull many things over in my head and so Wed morn I was awake about 4 am (my usual time for solving all the world and domestic issues on this homefront)
I got to thinking about what was ahead -- and how was I truly going to take this journey with Jesus?
I started breaking apart all the issues that often occupy my mind that early in the morning. Suddenly I was bombarded with verses. As I said earlier the ones God brings to mind are FOOD -- real spiritual meat.
Issues like:
Financial ones - dealing with insurance -- these co-pays and out of pocket expenses are starting over.
> Cast your anxiety on him for he cares for you " 1 Peter 5:7
Managing treatments, teaching and energy drain
> I am the WAY, the truth and the LIFE (on the other side of this) -John 14:6
and "chemo brain"
>I am come that you may have life and have it to the full!" John 10:10
I read Jodie Osteen's book "Healed from Cancer" and she was prompted - regardless of how bad she felt to pray for others.
That verse has been constant the past few days-- "pray for each other that you may be healed".James 5:16 That's good medicine to remind me that there are so many out there with worse situations than me. So many facing life losses that are huge. God has blessed me with good health all these 64+ years.
At the cancer treatment center on yesterday I saw every bed full -- full of folks getting infusions to stop what's growing inside of them. Today those beds will fill up with even more folk --
I don't want this to be about ME
I don't want cancer to dominate life right now
I want this to be about Jesus being our constant in ALL of our life stuff.
My mind sweeper -- one to clear the clutter from my mind - "Take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ:" 2 Cor. 10:5 That will stop this 4 AM mind swell that I experience 2-3 times a week.
"Every good and perfect gift is from above" James 1:17
God has sent the most wonderful gifts in this past month by way of special words from loving family and friends
A beautiful bracelet Bethany had made for me at Rustic Cuff - with a verse that I claimed as MY VERSE for this time Isaiah 30:15 "In quietness and trust is my strength"
A blanket for chemo visits from my sweet friend Carol |
PJ's for lounging after chemo from my hubbie
Girl time pedicures with Katie and our usual trip to IKEA when we visited over the holidays.
And a precious cross necklace from her that was titled 'Faith Hope & Love'
Fun time cooking with Katie -- she always has a new Pinterest recipe! |
The finished product - yummy Beef Wellington |
A big tote to carry all my "stuff" to treatments and pj's both from India given to me by my dear friend Geeta
A friend from year's past, Gay who is teaching me the ropes of this process of healing from cancer
A plaque from a student who promises to pray for me,
Wonderful fun & yummy gifts from Marinelle -
Tickets to one of my favorite comedians when we're 3/4 done with chemo.
Marinelle and Sharon offering to take my subbing jobs. That is HUGE -- Marinelle's offer came right after a panic session with God in the middle of the night as to how I was going to manage it all.
Some of the best words I heard from Gay are - "This really does go quickly -- about halfway through you think it is never going to end and you feel like giving up-- but pretty soon treatments are over and surgeries are completed"
Her words as well: "I'm so thankful that my cancer is one that could be removed and healed"
The favorite advice for wig shopping: -- "Why pay thousands for human hair wigs that have to be fixed? -- if you can't fix your own hair -- you don't want to fix someone elses."
God is so good -- such a good, good Father as we sang on Sunday -- somehow it seems that all Sunday's worship songs spoke to my heart.
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