It has been 44 years that my husband has been in ministry -- a ministry that has taken him all over the world as well as various congregations in many states. Through it all, he has had a servant's heart and wanted to see the Church grow. As he matured in ministry he moved to the larger dimension of the Kingdom and believed that Christ's body was bigger than a small denomination. He has influenced many young people through his work as an adjunct professor which began in the early 80's in Lubbock, TX.
I remember hearing him preach for the first time when I was a sophomore in college and praying to marry a man like that -- 18 months later we started dating while Terry was a youth minister for my home congregation (often taking the youth group on our dates) 18 months later we were married.
AND THE REST IS HISTORY - as the saying goes . . .
Ministry has always been a dynamic of our
marriage. Pastoral visits, elder board
meetings, Sunday school supervision at times, fellowship potlucks, visiting
missionaries to host, traveling to speaking engagements and being with our people in their joys and their
sorrows, AND being blessed to see the Body of Christ all over the world.
Forty-two of those years Terry has been my senior pastor except for a short span when he was in graduate school. I have grown in my faith under his teaching.
I’ve been with him through these times of
growth, and reflection,
Times of loss and disappointment –
I have watched his constancy to stand for
what is right and seek the good in people.
At times he was willing to give them the
benefit of the doubt when I wouldn’t.
In those years of ministry God has been with us every step of the way.
In those years of ministry God has been with us every step of the way.
He has had no patience for Church politics and
those power plays in the church. . . His concern has always been for the health and unity of the Body of Jesus and he believes those under-handed tactics had no place in a healthy Church. People who became disgruntled he helped them to find a place they would be more content and always helped them to know that "Once a Lifer - Always a Lifer" as he often says.
This past Sunday began a new chapter in both our lives. He will no longer be the Senior Pastor of Life Park Christian Fellowhip that we helped to plant in West Tulsa 15 years ago. He'll move out of the "driver's seat to the front passenger" seat as Mondo and Leeca Jenkins begin their role in Senior Ministry. We have been blessed in getting to know this precious family and look forward to their leadership as we move forward.
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