This weekend was one of those special weekends that you mark time by. We housed two gifted women Pastor Daysi from Honduras and her 17 yr.old niece, Heide from Boston who translated. It was amazing to watch them as they worked in sync with each other. Heide could both hear her aunt's next thought and while speaking what she'd just previously heard. It was exhausting for both -- Pastor Daysi not speaking English and totally being out of culture -- Heide talking for two at times as she communicated her aunt's ideas. They had both fasted before coming to determine God's message they were to present.
They met with various groups to encourage and give a word, taking these opportunities very seriously. Heide, captain of her La Crosse team, shared with the teens last night what it's like to be one of a few strong Christian in her high school.

Thoughts that resonated with me --
One was the difference in members and "sons" in a Church family. Pastor said members check in -- and check out if they don't like what they see happening. "Sons" are there to stay because they are family. Family always comes home. Members can leave and often times do leave. "Sons" lend a shoulder to support. They may not always agree -- they may argue and fight -- but they always come "home" because family works through things together.
On Yesterday, Pastor Daysi said -- The past is behind you -- God gave her Isaiah 43:18 -- "Forget the former things -- I am doing a new thing. That was good news to this church family that has gone through some struggles while waiting a very long time to begin building.
Lastly, was something that God impressed on her earlier this year as HE shared with her that HE was taking their church to a new level -- the words "Vamos Por Mas" - going for more!
I like that: not being content with average or short supply -- but going for more!!!
More joy, more ministry, more opportunities to reach out for HIM.
It was no accident that her timing to come was the week we were going to finally be signing the loan documents.-- Pastor Daysi been praying for God to show her when to come to Tulsa and HE impressed her it was now.
Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance. Jude 1:2
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