With school starting this week, my trips to Kansas City are curtailed so Bethany and Campbell came home for a few days. With our kids both living out of state, I miss them soooo very much and any time we get to have them I clear my schedule so we can hang out the entire time -- I set up my classroom early and edited this year's course outlines. Marshall comes in tomorrow afternoon -- the first time home in over a year and we'll have him for only 48 hours -- so we're savoring every minute of his visit -- and tomorrow night we'll have both kids here together for dinner -- just a few short moments!
Campbell has had some sleep issues and her mommy was needing "girl time" with friends yesterday morning and it just so happened that Terry had a meeting, so it was Campbell and Nana Jan-- just the two of us.
I was ready -- Baby Bjorn pack -- two bottles -- bouncy seat -- floor gym and instructions on how to calm the little lady from Bethany's newest discovery "The Happiest Baby on the Block" DVD.
Mommy left, C started to fuss -- I figured it was time for a walk -- loaded her up in the baby pack and walked around the block -- which put her to sleep for about 30 minutes. She woke up -- played on the baby floor gym for awhile and then --
She got hungry and restless -- fed her the bottle Bethany left -- she gulped in down in about 8 minutes -- started to REALLY fuss -- decided it was time to try out the "Happiest Baby" routine -- so "swaddled, soothed, -- turned on the vacuum cleaner for white noise and in 2 minutes Campbell calmed and in 5 she was soundly asleep in a deep sleep . Piece of cake -- Guess I HAVEN'T lost my touch! -- who'd have thought the vacuum cleaner would be such an important part of the baby nursery or that standing outside near the AC compressor could quiet a crying baby?
Pappa and C time - -He's done nothing but grin since she's gotten here. The two have bonded quite well!

So much fun to show her off at Church this morning to all the wonderful people who prayed for her consistently these past 8 months!
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