I found I can lose a lot of time just watching this precious little bundle sleep.
Here's my list of seven:
1. Newborns have so many facial expressions already and distinguishable cries.
Does that lower lip stuck out mean what I think it does already?

2. Babies just born have such a strong startle reflex. (Hence the wrapping them up like a burrito seems to help them feel secure and is supposed to enhance sleep.)

3. They know their mother AND daddy's voices. When we weren't quite all Campbell needed -- just being in their arms seemed to help quiet her.
4. Their skin is so sensitive -- after being surrounded by amniotic fluid for nine months -- delicate skin being rubbed and touched does seem to respond with a rash - the nurses verified this.
5. They are curious already -- those dark eyes and that little head turns to check things out.
6. Sucking is such a strong response - this little gal is continually looking for something to put in her mouth. Her little body in the first 24 hours is responding to a new source of nutrition. . . We're watching her body organs and systems begin to function. She has wanted to eat almost nonstop since she got here. What a miracle the way God has created her little body to grow and support itself.
7. Babies like and need to be held. (YEAH!) Campbell was tucked up inside her momma's womb those nine months and now, all of a sudden, being in the wide open spaces she seems to need the close skin-to-skin contact.
How complex we are -- as we watch our little treasure, we see how intricately God has created her.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well Psalm 139:14
Campbell, I'm sure these are just the first of many lessons I am going to learn as I watch you grow and develop.
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's wombPsalm 139.
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