And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom HE has given us. Romans 5
This is a verse that came to mind over and over these past five months. So many messages of hope poured forth that Campbell was given that as her middle name. Oftentimes we referred to her as our Baby Hope. During these five months, I often prayed, "Lord, don't let Bethany and Mat be disappointed --please Lord, no more pain."
When she was only a few minutes old, she bellowed and gave the strongest cry, as if to say -- "I'm here -- I'm healthy and I'm your's!"
That loud cry was the sweetest sound to this nana and papa's ears. The minute she was born --I held my breath until I heard her cry -- she paused -- I waited --and then she let go again with the sweetest strong cries!
From the mouths of children and infants you have ordained praise!
They've handled their grief together, they've done the classes together, and these past days they've counted contractions together and walked miles to manage the pain - Yesterday we watched them together giving birth and witnessed their strong sense of teamwork.
Seeing them together with their precious bundle, we saw God's love overflowing from them to their baby. Bonding was immediate -- not a surprise because they had talked to her in the womb for months. We grandparents finally were able to sleep -- I'm thinking they were up a lot last night -- together taking care of their little one.
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