God is in CONTROL

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


It was the fitting tribute for this courageous fallen soldier . . . Sgt. Andrew R. Looney . . .

Hundreds of people waving flags lined the corner of 86th and 129th Streets.

The Patriot Guard circled the school's drive. . .

Owasso Fire Department hoisted a gigantic flag from the ladder engine. .

Lots of remembrances by family, friends and a former principal . . .

There was a tribute given by the Army Casualty Assistance Officer . . . His words were, after spending time with the Looney family he could easily see that, Andrew who represented all seven of the Army's core values (Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Self-service, Honor, Integrity, Personal Courage) learned that early in his childhood. Andrew was posthumously promoted to Sgt.

A delegation of Gold Star Mothers supported the family . . .(Blue Star Mothers become Gold Star mothers when their sons or daughters give their lives in battle). .

Veterans attended in full dress -- one older gentleman was wearing flag shorts and shirt with his VFW cap.

Their words were all the same -- "Andrew was a small guy with big eyes and a big heart . . Andrew was more concerned for his fellow soldiers and serving his country than for himself . . . Andrew lived the life of a Christ follower."

They read his favorite scriptures . . . His brother Steven struggled with their favorite lines from Band of Brothers.

His Pastor's words resonated with me -- Andrew lived a concentrated and full life dying 5 days short of his 23rd birthday . . . He had accomplished the purpose for which he believed he was destined. He had lived well, with honor and courage. In quoting from the Apostle Paul's words to Timothy "Let no one despise your youth" -- he reminded young people in the audience -- to not neglect these years -- and to not minimize the importance of what they are able to accomplish while they are still young.

You made a lasting impression on your family, friends, teachers classmates and a host of others. Rest In Peace, Sgt. Looney

Friday, June 25, 2010

Thank You, Spec. Andrew R. Looney

Every year I have students who are planning to join the military. Some follow through with those plans and go on to become fine soldiers. These young men and women are passionate to serve their country. There was no way I could know that Andrew would be the first of my students to pay the ultimate price.

Four years ago, Andrew was in my sixth hour Single Survival Class. His brother, Stephen had gone to the Navy and Andrew couldn't wait to graduate and join the Infantry. He was a kid who loved life, had an infectious grin and took things in stride -- He demonstrated strong Christian principles --He made me laugh at some of his antics -- but one thing he was certain of -- he was going to defend our country. Both brothers are men of integrity and honor.

In August of 2007 Andrew lost part of his foot when a roadside bomb exploded near their Humvee in Iraq. He spent more than a year in Brooke Army Medical Center in rehabilitation. He was determined to return to duty.

On a return visit to school after the accident my co-worker and I were able to hug him and thank him for the stand he took for the cause of freedom. We get pretty emotional when our students return in their uniform -- thinking of how they have put their lives on hold to serve.

Six weeks ago, Andrew arrived in Afghanistan. On Monday he was working a traffic check point when a suicide bomber blew himself up, killing Andrew and 19-yr. old, David T. Miller of Wilton, NY.

Andrew's awards and decorations include: Purple Heart; Army Commendation Medal; Army Good Conduct Medal; National Defense Service Medal; Iraqi Campaign Medal; Global War on Terrorism Service Medal; Noncommissioned Officers Professional Development Ribbon; Army Service Ribbon; Combat Infantry Badge and Weapons Qualification, M4, expert. A memorial is tentatively set for Monday June 28, 2010, at 1900 at the Owasso High School.

It is befitting that Andrew is to be buried in Arlington National Cemetary. . . a place we bury our heroes.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Is A Garden Worth It?

I have decided in my "older" years to get back to the basics and create a more simple life -- you know, like growing our own food -- putting it away for winter -- like our parents, grandparents and greats did for centuries before us.

I wondered how hard could it be to put out a few plants and tend them from time to time? I decided this year's produce will come from two tomato plants and three different pepper plants. I already have seeds for a fall garden and I am getting the spot cleared and have visions of the wonderful snow peas and green beans we're going to have from September until the first frost. (I have pumpkins and gourds coming up in my flower beds where I tossed out last year's fall table decorations-- does that count for produce?)

I have spent this morning trying to catch up with my garden --weeding, rearranging the watering system - fertilizing and trying to get it ready to leave for another week. (Kansas City is calling ~~~~ gotta go rock that baby)

Thus far -- this is what I have to show for the spading, planting, 14+ hours of watering and weeding like crazy.

Why is it that the grass and weeds are so much more prolific in my garden than in my front yard where I want the grass to grow?

So, back to my "simple life" mission -- I got an e-mail this week from a family I have bought sweet corn from before. She said they had it for the same price as the last two years -- I couldn't remember how much I bought so I ordered two bushels of the stuff since I recently discovered that we only have one bag of my frozen corn left.

I found out there were 50-60 ears in a bushel so I did the math and thought - I ought to be able to work up those 100-120 ears in an afternoon. Immediately my mind went back to hot summer mornings in Illinois shucking wheelbarrow loads of corn for my mother. (Being an Illinois girl - sweet corn is a BIG DEAL.) People plant just the right seeds, they pick it at just the right time and then put it up in just the right way. My mother's sweet corn was so wonderful you could eat it for dessert.

I FORGOT WHAT A HUGE ORDEAL FREEZING CORN IS! For my four hours of work on those 80+ ears of corn, cutting it off the cob with this gizzmo that I bought with my corn -- then cooking quickly and cooling it even faster,

--I ended up with 12 pints of cut corn and three gallon bags of corn on the cob. If I'm figuring it right that should make my corn worth about $5 per pint (just kidding) -- hmmmm -- so if I offer you my super corn when you come to my house -- you'll know you're pretty special company. At this rate I should have enough to serve for the six major holidays--

I was worn out and decided to freeze the last of it on the ear -- enough of this cutting, cooking and cooling! It made me wonder --just how good was that corn my mom used to make, anyway?

Here's some things I learned while wrestling with the corn cutter:
1. Corn past it's prime doesn't cut well with that handy dandy cutter-- I was literally on top of that contraption forcing it down the cob -- to trim off the kernals -- a lot harder work than pulling weeds from my dried out garden this morning.

2. Corn that has dimples on the kernel is too old -- if it doesn't pop back in your eye when you insert your thumb -- it won't work with the corn gizzmo- put the cob on a nail and use a knife, instead.

3. Keep your air conditioner set on about 55. You work up a sweat! People used to do this all summer in hot kitchens with no air conditioning. Mom would put up 30 - 40 pints a summer not to mention all the other vegetables and fruits. (No wonder she was such a tiny little thing -- she NEVER sat down. She was always doing something related to the garden!)

4. Gardens are lots of work -- when the fruits and vegetables come on -- then you get the even bigger job of figuring out what to do with them. The simple life of is hard work!!!

I don't know many people who put forth this kind of effort today. We rush into the grocery, fill our carts with fresh, frozen or canned --scan them at the check out and hurry them through the microwave for our evening meal --We take so much for granted. What would we do without the farmers who grow our food? My special thanks to them!


Saturday, June 19, 2010


Pappa got here last night and is getting his time loving on Baby Hope! We all have talked about how comforting and relaxing it is to sit and hold this precious bundle.

You know, we don't get lots time with our kids -- so we're savoring every minute because we know that she'll change and grow quickly -- we're already looking forward to our next visit!

Friday, June 18, 2010

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, James 1:17

She's perfect in every way! Because she tends to want to sleep all day and be awake most of the night -- Grammy Jan and Nana Jan decided to play dress up with her to keep her awake for a longer spell yesterday afternoon. It worked!

Mommy and Daddy are doing a wonderful job meeting her schedule of eating every two hours with lots of holding and cuddling.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Seven Lessons I learned While Watching My Granddaughter Sleep

After a brief stop at the hospital so he could hold Campbell, Terry got on the road headed for Tulsa and Mat's mother, Jan, and I spent the day watching over our granddaughter and kids. They'd not rested much for the past two nights and were still in the stages of euphoria that won't let you sleep - so we tried to help settle baby and let them catch a nap.

I found I can lose a lot of time just watching this precious little bundle sleep.

Here's my list of seven:

1. Newborns have so many facial expressions already and distinguishable cries.
Does that lower lip stuck out mean what I think it does already?

2. Babies just born have such a strong startle reflex. (Hence the wrapping them up like a burrito seems to help them feel secure and is supposed to enhance sleep.)

3. They know their mother AND daddy's voices. When we weren't quite all Campbell needed -- just being in their arms seemed to help quiet her.

4. Their skin is so sensitive -- after being surrounded by amniotic fluid for nine months -- delicate skin being rubbed and touched does seem to respond with a rash - the nurses verified this.

5. They are curious already -- those dark eyes and that little head turns to check things out.

6. Sucking is such a strong response - this little gal is continually looking for something to put in her mouth. Her little body in the first 24 hours is responding to a new source of nutrition. . . We're watching her body organs and systems begin to function. She has wanted to eat almost nonstop since she got here. What a miracle the way God has created her little body to grow and support itself.

7. Babies like and need to be held. (YEAH!) Campbell was tucked up inside her momma's womb those nine months and now, all of a sudden, being in the wide open spaces she seems to need the close skin-to-skin contact.

How complex we are -- as we watch our little treasure, we see how intricately God has created her.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well Psalm 139:14

Campbell, I'm sure these are just the first of many lessons I am going to learn as I watch you grow and develop.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's wombPsalm 139.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom HE has given us. Romans 5
This is a verse that came to mind over and over these past five months. So many messages of hope poured forth that Campbell was given that as her middle name. Oftentimes we referred to her as our Baby Hope. During these five months, I often prayed, "Lord, don't let Bethany and Mat be disappointed --please Lord, no more pain."

When she was only a few minutes old, she bellowed and gave the strongest cry, as if to say -- "I'm here -- I'm healthy and I'm your's!"
That loud cry was the sweetest sound to this nana and papa's ears. The minute she was born --I held my breath until I heard her cry -- she paused -- I waited --and then she let go again with the sweetest strong cries!

From the mouths of children and infants you have ordained praise!

They've handled their grief together, they've done the classes together, and these past days they've counted contractions together and walked miles to manage the pain - Yesterday we watched them together giving birth and witnessed their strong sense of teamwork.

Seeing them together with their precious bundle, we saw God's love overflowing from them to their baby. Bonding was immediate -- not a surprise because they had talked to her in the womb for months. We grandparents finally were able to sleep -- I'm thinking they were up a lot last night -- together taking care of their little one.

Monday, June 14, 2010

She's Here - God's Precious Gift

At 12:07 pm our hearts sold out to two precious little girls-- Campbell Hope and Parker Grace Good. As Mommy and Daddy are resting we're living in the afterglow of witnessing a miracle- they had a very long night -- Mat' mother, Jan and Terry and I arrived about 9 am rested and relaxed to find that the meds had finally kicked in and Bethany was gaining strength. Everything started moving very quickly after that.
Dr. S expected birth to be about 2pm -- she came just after noon.

I have to say our daughter was fantastic as she managed her pain well and gave it her utmost. She and Baby Campbell bonded instantly and the nurses remarked as Campbell started sucking away at her fingers that only about 1 in 30 do so this early!

We're over the top with love for our precious granddaughters! One is in her mother's arms and one is on the lap of Jesus at this very moment.
We say a heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you who constantly took their names before our Heavenly Father these past five months.

Friday, June 11, 2010

The Best Birthday Ever

I am getting what I asked for -- being with my family for my 60th. -- Marshall is driving in from Denver and we're all descending on Bethany and Mat to party and wait for Baby Campbell to make her appearance. . . Bethany said she's been dancing up a storm today -- and BTW she passed her last biotest with flying colors (on Monday she barely passed and gave us all a startle).
Terry and the kids have planned every detail so carefully - 'Can't wait!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Holding Strong

We are headed South this am -- don't know how long we'll be home -- looks like Campbell could make her appearance any day now. I saw my younger self in high gear -- high speed as I watched Bethany take on so many tasks. She and her dad worked on the outside windows when we got home from lunch out, the afternoon before, she and Mat had changed the oil in the car -- don't think I ever had that much energy!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My Impressions

As we ride through beautiful rolling hills and see lots of countryside, abandoning our schedules, certain impressions come to mind.

Sunday morning in my quiet time -- I picked up Sacred Romance, a book Bethany had referred me to several years ago. I decided on this trip to do a re-read of this book. That's what I wanted for this trip just to soak up Jesus. Different thoughts have been imprinted on my mind.

If you're willing, I'll share them with you -- if not you can catch the next blog.

The verse, "If a man is thirsty let him come to me and drink" had jumped off the page in my reading that morning -- We went to Beale street Sunday evening where everybody is supposed to have such a great and glorious time -- Everybody was carrying some sort of drink . . . I couldn't help but notice so many empty faces - who didn't seem to be having such a grand time. Were they thirsty, but didn't know what they were thirsty for?

People still seem to be looking for a King.

'Not tied to a schedule and Baby Campbell still holding strong,* we decided to stay another day in Rolla, MO and went to Meramac Springs. Over and over we kept telling each other how glad we were to have found this place. 'Might go back tonight and look for deer.

What came to my mind was HE leads me beside still waters . . .

He restores my soul.

*** Baby update: Everything looks great -- Bethany just called from her perinatologist - where she goes to the weekly scans -- Baby is fine -- Bethany says
she's holding to her due date of this weekend -- the nurse tech reminded her that babies have a mind of their own.

Man on Sabbatical

Here's a few pics I posted of my man on study leave -- as you can see he's begun to reeeeeelax . . . .

. . . .but still stays connected to the purpose for being away. . . study and reflection

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