The old Cheers sitcom theme song goes, "sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name and they're always glad you came". . that's the kind of church we want Life Park Christian to resemble. We got reminded of that in a powerful way when our church "downsized" about 18 months ago. We became smaller in numbers as some families felt crosswise with the vision that was or was not unfolding at a projected pace and went elsewhere. We were reduced about 40% and it was unnerving and frightening, to say the least. We'd relied on the trusted and true ones to help carry the load of responsibilities. What were we going to do? Who was going to help us? I have to confess I felt overwhelmed as a minister's wife.
People began to step up to the plate . . . and the result was that as a church when someone would miss two Sundays in a row, we'd get concerned, and people would call to check. We became much more attentive to visitors and wanted to make sure they felt at home. We began "meet and greet" community outreach get-togethers that brought people from all walks of life with a myriad of needs. The ministry of body life had to take precedence and not the race to our "promised land" on 61st and Union.
You know sometimes as a church we're caught up in the program for the morning or the deadlines and goals we have for the year -- and don't always take note of who's walking through our doors. (I confess, I can be guilty of this.) All of a sudden every person mattered -- every single person was important. People unlike our regular membership began to attend. Terry always says, "Nobody is here by accident". . . that means God might just send someone who needs to feel cared for and loved that day, someone who's poor in spirit because they've lost a dear one or lost a job or might be going through the ripping pain of divorce. Many folks are just lonely -- in need of family because of crumbling care networks that so many experience.
We have a special lady in our Church family who helps us see the most delightful aspects of others. She continues to remind us where we would be without Jesus Christ and each other. Our pace and our deadline have changed a bit, but our mission is still the same - offering unprecedented redemptive care - loving as Jesus loves. . Don't we all want to go to a church where everybody's glad we came?
I was reminded the other day of the simple fact that everybody is somebody because each person matters to God.
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