I'm a middle child -- you can see from the pictures of me and my brothers - early on and most recently. It was my lot to have to sit in the middle of our 57 Chevrolet when we went on a trip and I was the one in the middle of all the kid pictures.
There were lots of lessons I learned to protect my place.. . as the only girl in the middle. I could always scream louder and tattle -- which didn't always work in my family. I would try to get my Mom on my side since she was a girl too, I reckoned --not always easy to do.
Once my younger brother convinced me that not only was I the middle child but that I was adopted since this was a family that only had boys. For a while I believed him.
Having two brothers taught me a lot about relationships and life. Sometimes you have to stand up for yourself so you don't get squeezed. On the other hand being in the middle often you can enjoy the protection that two brothers bring.

We all went through a hard time together when my husband and I cared for our ailing mother. It was so much comfort to discuss her care with my brothers long distance and have them come and help with the day-to-day decisions and routine. We could see her enjoy the benefit of her three kids working together.
It's been six years -- but it was a time that we can still look back on and remember that we did it together and I was in the middle -- with both brothers on either side.
Mother's Day 2003

I love your stories of your life growing up. Thank you for sharing. It is so true that the struggles and unions and love that come our way are what help to mold us into who we become. I love how God knows all of this and oversees it for us and continues to bring us along with His grace and mercy. I love how He has brought you along. Thanks for sharing and for being a friend. Please continue to share your heart and the stories of old. Sherry R Lubbock