God is in CONTROL

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Jesus Has Blessed Me Big


I have been blessed – I have been challenged to study deeper – and I have experienced God’s touch as I have had the privilege to teach children and women God’s Word. During these years, I have been awakened with a WORD- a confirmation-or a verse to guide me in whatever study I was undertaking.  As I looked into the eyes of little ones when they tasted the Passover Lamb or shared from their heart what the Master Teacher was teaching them – I saw Jesus and I left that classroom changed! 

As I now sort over 50 years of teaching aides from guiding littles, coordinating Sunday School curriculum and writing lessons for workshops and women’s classes my heart is touched anew.  It’s been difficult to toss those old Bible Game posters that were over 50 years old – it was like walking away from an old friend.  I sorted, saved and yes, even tossed some – but my heart was touched and I was reminded anew as the old song says, “Jesus led me all the way.”

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