God is in CONTROL

Monday, April 17, 2023

Terry & Jan's Anniversary Adventure - Day 3 & 4- The Ark Encounter

 Tuesday March 28 we spent our time winding through pretty rolling hills of Kentucky - with white fences and horse barns heading for Williamstown KY.

We'd seen all the commercials and wanted to check it out for ourselves. . . we had to see what this ARK that was supposed to be "Noah-size" really was all about.  We were not disappointed with the research and re-creation that went into it.

The Ark was mammoth in size!!!

The electric cart made it so do-able for Terry- with the 3 decks and over a mile of distance to walk.
I'm not sure what I expected -- from the talking giraffes in the commercials.  The doors were gargantuan!

 So much effort went into studying the culture of the time and the fossil layers to create animals in cages that would have looked like the animals back then.

There was an on-the-street interview with Noah and his sons.  The creators of this epic presentation gave personalities to the unnamed wives and tried to show what life might have been like for them -- living with all those animals. The whole bottom deck was rows and rows of storage containers for food.

The upper decks were the living quarters for Noah's family.  Remembering that God told Noah the earth would be destroyed caused me to wonder what favorite items they might have wanted to take with them. 

As in the days of Noah . . . Luke 17:26

Noah sending out the dove

God's Rainbow Covenant to never destroy the earth by flooding again.

Every exhibit was carefully documented and explained differing positions on the Biblical account of the Flood

The Tower of Babel --when the different people groups and languages came to be.

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