God is in CONTROL

Saturday, July 7, 2018

GOD'S LOVE --- i am getting a glimpse

I am beginning to understand God's love!!!
OK - I know all the verses -- but to really UNDERSTAND it-- 
SPENDING TIME WITH OUR G'KIDS-- seeing how quickly they are growing up touches my heart down deep.  When we face-time CO cuties or have sleepovers with our Goodletts and look in those precious faces -- we melt!!!!

I THINK I FINALLY GET IT -- THE WAY I FEEL ABOUT THEM IS HOW GOD FEELS ABOUT ME.  I can ALWAYS make an excuse for their behavior -- "they're hungry, tired, or sleepy"
God does that for me but in an even bigger way -- he covered all my bad behaviors with Jesus.


The precious things they say . . .

Sydney finding a bug and saying, "Oh look -- I found a carnivore" and "Nana, will you hold my roly poly for me while I play?"
Jack asking after seeing the depiction of Christ hanging on the cross -- "Did Jesus die in here?"
Campbell -now that she's home from camp - weighing everything against "J-O-Y" Jesus first, Yourself last and others in between.  Talking of her upcoming baptism when she is 9. 
Clara nurturing Charlie -- sharing her much loved yogurt with him.
Charlie making faces at Pawpaw on Face-time.  

and what they do . . .
Sydney bringing the old doll high chair down -- sitting it at the table and feeding her baby dolls my boiled eggs for breakfast.
The 3 kids launching rockets with slingshots and Jack pointing towards his face.
Clara dropping food on the floor for their dog who died the day before -- not understanding he wasn't coming to clean it up any longer.  
Sweet bedtime conversations about people in the Bible -- Jonah who did make good choices and ended up in that big fish and the guy who built the boat and God's rainbow promise.  
Then the bedtime routine of a hug, a kiss and a question:

"Why is Pawpaw's hair not as grey?"
"Why do you wear glasses?"
Two little Bells with their backpacks on ready to board the flight this week for OKC!
We are so looking forward to our time with the two of them next weekend ! 

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