God is in CONTROL

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Happy 45 Years to My Man

I commissioned this picture from one of my students, artist-Joey Wright, depicting the walks our Grands take with their Pawpaw when they need his one-on-one time.  They discuss all sorts of life stuff, explore bugs, learn new and exciting info about all sorts of wonders.  I have pictures of each of them with him and Joey was able to create this picture from 3 different photographs.
I like to think that this picture represents the best part of our journey and life walk together!  It's been a progressive gift -- the frame came for T's birthday -- it was Christmas Eve that Joey sent the picture he had completed-- and for our anniversary I gave Terry the picture on canvas.

We've traveled the world, served in ministry together all these years, raised two beautiful children and each day together still holds such treasures.  God is the anchor in our relationship - the strength in our days -- the peace in our chaos and Our Wisdom to teach and guide those he gives us to serve and protect.

I'm still learning from this man - it amazes me what he knows.  He treats me like a queen and I know that he always has my best in his heart!

We had the nicest waiter at the Melting Pot, Nhaid, who chatted us up found out we were teachers, told us he was going to OU, and when he brought our dessert, as you can see in the picture below, made T's plate look like this:

Friday, January 19, 2018

Passing it On

Seeing Faith in God take root in the lives of our grands brings joy down in the deep places of our hearts.  This past Sunday night, when we enjoyed an MLK day sleepover and were putting the Goodletts in bed, they wanted first for me to tell them a story from my past or that I made up.  I always revert to something from when I was their age—you know – YEARS ago.  Then as we followed up – I reached  for my trusty Bible story book and they begged “TELL us a story”.  Pawpaw came into the room and I turned to him and asked him to tell the story of Joseph who was slave.  The girls chimed in with –
“Oh – that’s the guy who had the coat with lots of colors”
“I know that story”
Jack: (who loves to watch his g’paw shave)  “He shaved?”
T: No, he was a slave
J: What’s a slave?
T: Someone who is in jail.
J: Jail- what’s jail – have you been in jail – Is God in jail?  We played forty questions about slaves and jail for awhile before we could return to the story. 
Our story time tends to take on different meaning and new direction—often helping us see the Scriptures in new light and definitely from the eyes of a little one.
Campbell and Pawpaw are covering NT books and talking about those four writers – when we mentioned Luke was a doctor like her dad, granddad and Uncle Marshall she followed up with, “But, Jesus was the great physician, and then mentioned a verse she’s learned in Trojans for Christ at her school.
Little Clara folds her hands and prays at dinner being strong on the “Amen”.   It is our desire to pass a strong legacy of faith on to our g’children.  It doesn’t happen by accident – it has to be a goal we return to daily.
I love the verse Psalm 78

  and (HE) established the law in Israel,
which he commanded our ancestors
    to teach their children,
so the next generation would know them,
    even the children yet to be born,
    and they in turn would tell their children.
Then they would put their trust in God
    and would not forget his deeds
    but would keep his commands.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Focus - My Word for Now

I love it when a lesson comes together!  This morning I was sort of numb and foggy -- As I was thinking through the day's activities, I felt clueless as to what we would do in Youth Alive.  I needed a word -- a seed thought to trigger a discussion among this lunch bunch.

I prayed a hurried request and then went about getting ready for school.

As I was drying my hair -- a question came to pose to this group of young believers:

"If you were hanging out with Jesus, where would you go? 

"If you were on HIS turf - where would HIS favorite spot be to take you?"

Lastly, thinking about how preoccupied they are on their phones,
"What does he have to do to get your attention?"  

At first they gave me "preachy" answers --- like "CHURCH" or  "The Mountains" --  then  one guy said "the water -- either walking on it or sailing it."

I explained that when we were in Israel several years ago, walking where Jesus walked, in all the touristy spots I just couldn't feel him close.   I looked for a special place that would seem as it was in Jesus day.  Every holy site had a church erected over it -- or stalls selling souvenirs positioned where Jesus taught and lived.  It was only when we got onto a boat and sailed off from shore on the Sea of Galilee that I actually felt that the view from the boat was possibly the same view Jesus would have had of the shoreline.  It was there on that trip that I felt I was seeing things as HE did.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Tis the Season!

Jim and Jan hosted Thanksgiving weekend for the entire Bell/Good clan.  There were littles everywhere and huggin and laughing all around!

The big cousins looked after the little ones in the sweetest ways!

ustomer reviews

My Christmas gift wish was for pictures of our five grands!  I asked Bethany to make it happen and I headed to Carter's to find matching outfits for the kiddos.

Pawpaw and his boys!
This is my favorite pic of the two of us!  

I decorated the mantle with the stockings my mom had made years ago and a Christmas tree created by Dot Edwards.

Our annual trip to the Nutcracker

We spent Christmas Eve at Bethany and Mat's and enjoyed watching 3 little Goodletts open what Santa left.  (the few things they hadn't discovered Christmas Eve morning in Daddy's office).

Tuesday we got up and decided this Nana and Pawpaw needed to head to CO to see those sweet babies.  Being Charlie's first Christmas, We didn't want to miss it.    We loaded up the dogs, got lots of warm clothes and blankets as the forecast was for COOOOLD temperatures.  

It was the best Christmas ever!

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