Youth Alive Students are a breath of fresh Kingdom Air
Several weeks ago, one of my Youth Alive leaders came to me and shared his passion that students in our high school hear the salvation story. His passion was intense and it was an idea he didn’t let go of. It became a reality Thursday before Easter. I witnessed these students making sure that their classmates knew that Jesus died to save them and lives now to intercede and make a way for them. It was thrilling to be the "fly on the wall" and to hear them capably share their love for Jesus and talk about his Spirit
During the time I went for pizzas for second lunch --$40-50 of the funds that we use for the pizzas and purchasing food d for students' families in need was stolen from my desk.
I figure we must have been doing something that Satan didn't want to happen.
This time in my school plan calendar, I teach sewing to all 130+ students. I am always surprised and touched by what comes from my students during this time that their hands and hearts are connected to their projects. I get to work more with them one-to-one and my classroom becomes much more relational.
My teacher friend, Judi, suggested that students sew 9-patches and put a quilt together, instead of projects for themselves. It streamlined the whole unit! After students learned the basics of how to use their machines they made a miniature pillow and were ready to begin the project. Each class is constructing and giving their own quilt to projects for the homeless in Tulsa County. On Monday, I had the students do a summary evaluation of the whole unit. It touched me to read their responses on what this project had done for them.
Even my big old guys were intent on getting their squares correct!
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