God is in CONTROL

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Nana's Fav's

SOOO many fun times and cute videos of our five little cherubs!  Of course Easter is the perfect day for posing and grins -- but also a time of deep reflecting.

I spent Sat. morning going through the Resurection eggs with Sydney and Jack and explaining all that happened on that Friday that makes the eternal difference.  They had lots of questions.

Sunday morning -- Bethany texted this picture:
Dear THE EASTER BUNNY -- Easter isn't about candy or YOU - RESPOND - Campbell

Campbell is a normal 7 yr. old that would have sweets as their own food group -- but she has captured the true meaning of Easter --

Clara rocks this slide we got her for her first birthday!

The kids continue to love the two cars that we re-purposed from our neighbor's garage sale.  Jack calls the jeep "MINE" and does a pretty good job of driving it when he finds it abandoned by the girls.

Jack has grown so much this Spring.  I welcome any chance I get for him to sit on my lap.  
He loudly echos anything he hears from the girls and watches them for all his cues

Meanwhile, our CO babies are growing and glowing!

Charlie's one month check up has him at 10# 4 oz

Big sister with a steadying hand is still amazed by him and thinks he's a pet.  She's learned to drag the bassinet over to the coffee table and has tried a face plant over the top of him.

She LOVES to face plant and can quickly cover the steps to the basement by making herself a bullet and zipping down the stairs.

Birthday season was launched with cookie cake and 3 little decorators for Bethany's birthday on the 18th.
Jack loves "fire" as he calls birthday candles and cries to be able to blow out your cake with sputters spits and a loud roar.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

School Days

131 students -- all with differing backgrounds, personalities and plans for life after high school.  

Youth Alive Students are a breath of fresh Kingdom Air

Several weeks ago, one of my Youth Alive leaders came to me and shared his passion that students in our high school hear the salvation story.  His passion was intense and it was an idea he didn’t let go of. It became a reality Thursday before Easter.  I witnessed these students making sure that their classmates knew that Jesus died to save them and lives now to intercede and make a way for them. It was thrilling to be the "fly on the wall" and to hear them capably share their love for Jesus and talk about his Spirit

During the time I went for pizzas for second lunch --$40-50 of the funds that we use for the pizzas and purchasing food d for students' families in need was stolen from my desk.

I figure we must have been doing something that Satan didn't want to happen.

This time in my school plan calendar, I teach sewing to all 130+ students.  I am always surprised and touched by what comes from my students during this time that their hands and hearts are connected to their projects.  I get to work more with them one-to-one and my classroom becomes much more relational.

 My teacher friend, Judi,  suggested that students sew 9-patches and put a quilt together, instead of projects for themselves.  It streamlined the whole unit!  After students learned the basics of how to use their machines they made a miniature pillow and were ready to begin the project.  Each class is constructing and giving their own quilt to projects for the homeless in Tulsa County.  On Monday, I had the students do a summary evaluation of the whole unit.  It touched me to read their responses on what this project had done for them.  

Even my big old guys were intent on getting their squares correct!

One mother who has a business making quilts for those in need donated 100 yards of fabric for backing for the quilts.

Monday, April 24, 2017


I find myself this season thinking of . . .

the renewal and revival this season brings to my heart every year.

Someone shared the idea that some scholars think the last week of Jesus life actually was about 6 months long –

I’ve had weeks that seemed 6 months long –  It was a hard week for Jesus --   I’ve found myself lying awake for several hours wrestling with things this week --- I have to admit they weren’t all spiritual issues.

Can you imagine what Jesus nights must have been like his last week???  We have his recorded prayers in the Garden – but this Son of Man /  Son of God knew what was ahead --

In Jesus last week he cursed the fig tree –

Ø All this -- with his mind’s eye on Jerusalem – He knew what lay  ahead --

Ø Sunday the crowd was with him on the road– wanting Jesus as their King – but he knew the Garden and Golgotha were coming

Ø Jesus continued to prepare his closest disciples for what was to come –

They saw him raise the dead – He said he was the resurrection and the life was it only for everyone else? 
Image result for jesus empty tomb
THE EMPTY TOMB CHANGES IT ALL --- We;ve been to Gordon's Tomb - 

LUKE 24 But on the first day of the week, at early dawn, they went to the tomb, taking the spices they had prepared. 

And the women brought spices . . . to prepare his body --- they were working out of plan B now. . . women have a way of picking up and changing plans when necessary --
Their disappointment had to have been palpable – so heavy – they’d given up 3 years – they’d heard him teach about life and death and the Kingdom of Heaven – where did it all fit?  They had so many plans
We’ve all had times when in our minds we created the Divine OUTCOME to one of our issues and GOD didn’t work our plan like we had written it.
Their pain turned to panic and then to tremendous JOY!!!  That empty tomb cemented every word Jesus had ever spoken
Resurrection power bursting forth in ALL HIS GLORY!!!!
Sleepy  disciples in the garden became self-sacrificing spokesmen for the Risen Lord

This day changed their whole perspective – and it was during the following days of AWE after our Lord arose that these men “got it”  -- they had their marching orders now – They had lived with and loved their Lord first-hand and now they knew what KINGDOM business really was!

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Finishing Strong

As we wrap up our Spring Semester at Wednesday's KU, our theme is "Finishing Strong".  We posed several challenges to our students and with the interns help were able to help our KU students strive to give their best performance at the various physical contests.  We then discussed who it is that wants us to finish strong as we wrap up our school year.  Their college helpers organized a challenge run with plenty of cheers and bravos along the way.

The students were then reminded that the kind of dedication and commitment that they have experienced with their TCC "Buddies" it what it takes to finish strong.  You can check out our semester at:


Monday, April 10, 2017

Looking for Jesus

With his wild shock of curly hair and the right tunic with leather sandals he could pass for pictures we see today of the apostle Peter.
This tall lanky senior is sold out for Jesus.  He came to know Jesus this past summer and has the passion and excitement of a new believer.  His artwork which in previous years had been somewhat ghoulish - now carries a Christian theme.

Being his teacher this year has been a special God gift.  Some days he shows up to sit and read his Bible in my classroom during lunch.  I asked him the other day what he was reading . . .ISAIAH!  

He often comes to my room with a deeply spiritual question
What do the Jehovah Witnesses believe about Jesus and Heaven?  (I had to Google that one!!!)

What about dreams?  Is that God talking to us?

Most recent:  Why don't the Jews believe? --

We turned to Matthew . . . where the Jewish leaders sent guards to seal the tomb and after the resurrection - bribed them to keep his resurrection under wraps.

I see all of faith with new eyes --

That's what this season of Lent & Easter has done for me -- 

The Jewish leaders said that if the story of the resurrection surfaced, the outcome would be worse than any other thing Jesus said -- reason enough to seal the tomb and put Guards!!

What if . . .the guards hadn't taken the bribe?  Wouldn't they have been the greatest witnesses of the whole weekend?

Think of all those miracles surrounding Salvation weekend . . . 

An earthquake ---

3 hours of darkness

Tombs open --- dead people walking around the city.

A dead man who brings HIMSELF back to life.  

Appearances to disciples who often weren't sure who they were talking to.

This season of reflection, repentence and renewal is one I look to every year.

In the Resurrection --
     > I know who took my place

      > I know I'm gonna rise again

      > I know who is making a home for me.


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