God is in CONTROL

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

My Christmas Wishes

A certain little 3 month old yanked on Santa's beard pretty hard as momma was lifting her off his lap.
It's been a perfect start to our holiday season --
Starting with Beka Hyde and Trenton McVicker's wedding in Yukon, OK   We enjoyed being with both families as this special couple began their lives together.
Elizabeth and Glen hosted a beautiful weekend for the 200+ wedding guests.  She is an expert event planner!

Maddie, an accomplished vocalist "rocked" Ave Maria as Beka and Trenton lit their family candle.

We've watched Beka grow up - Terry baptized all three of the Hyde kids and we loved getting to know Rebecca's beau, Trenton as we did their premarital counseling preparation.  Rehearsal went effortlessly.

We LOVED staying at the Skirvin, a historic old hotel in downtown OKC.

Terry was under deadlines to complete grading for his 19 OKWU pastoral counseling students ordination class.

As the ceremony ended we headed off to Colorado country -- and made it as far as Salina, KS before bedtime.  We dropped in on Katie and Clara early afternoon and then yesterday got to Nana / Papa sit while mommy and daddy worked.
Clara is one happy little girl with lots
 of expressions and loves to talk back to ya.
She is pretty "chill" about everything 
and the best little shopper --
 Katie and I introduced her to it today

When we arrived in Denver there was snow on the ground and the promise of intermittent snow throughout the rest of the week.

Our Tulsa kids are driving all day Christmas day so that we can have Christmas dinner together --
I'm getting my Christmas wish -- all my family together in one place for the holidays!  Jim and Jan Good are hosting the whole crew with the Whelan's from Kansas (Jan's sister-in-law and sons).

. . . now to get them to pose for a group picture!  I'll have a lot more cell phones ones I'm sure!

Saturday, December 19, 2015


Sydney's Mothers' Day Out - Role Playing the Best Story Ever Told

Our holidays got even brighter on Wednesday when T and I got to go to Campbell's Christmas performance at Redeemer preschool.  I launched the semester review in my 3rd hour life skills class, sent them to my co-worker's room and hurried down Hwy 169 (sorry Lord, for speeding) and arrived just in time to see these sweet little ones walk in for their performance.

C has been all about getting to be Mary this year and was singing "Away in a Manger" - with Sydney chiming in - the other night.  She came to the part "the cattle are lowing" and T asked her -

T: What does lowing mean?

C: That's the cow's name.

She had told her momma that she was going to ride in on the donkey (which would have been on the back of a little 4 or 5 year old-- clearly didn't happen -- but several of the little ones thought it would also.)

My favorite was a FB post that Bethany shared of C pointing to somebody on the stage with a stern look. Don't know how much the real Mary was in to power and control -- but -- she wanted it all to be like they'd practiced and somebody must have missed their cue. 

Campbell looking like her Momma at that age.

Looking Back

Dying has never been an option as we faced this cancer thing 12 months ago . . .

I wasn’t going there in my thinking . . .we have adopted the “we are KICKIN’ it” mindset. 

I read somewhere at the end of cancer treatments – patients sometimes have sort of a panic feeling – wondering if the cancer is really under control.  It doesn’t help when I find e-mail posts offering reduced prices on cremation and burial plots –it sort of gives me pause.  One funeral home sends me junk mail at least once a month on advance planning.. 

A friend on FB the other day said, “Thank you Lord, for leaving Jannie with us a while longer.”
BAM!!! That jolted me  .  . I hadn't planned OTHERWISE!

Living each day – loving my people – making the day count for good has become dominant in my thoughts.

Worrying if I am meeting somebody else’s expectations drains the reduced energy that I do have and doesn't help the dizzy feeling I have every morning.  (God sent me an interesting e-devo on that very thing this week- I needed that one).

I expected to be bouncing back right now (in my usual hyper-energetic mode- not quite like Tigger – but you got the picture) – Truth is: my energy gives way about 4 pm and some days doesn’t return ‘till the next morning.  I seem to catch more “bugs” than before – and this season the usual holiday activities and closing out the semester have left me feeling overwhelmed most days. All that frustrates me.   My radiation doctor on Monday said to consider what my body has been through in the past 12 months -- sort of changed my thinking -- but didn't give me any more energy at the moment.

Another morning devotional last week on ENDURANCE - helped my "why am I always feeling so fatigued?" questions)  HE is a Good Good Father as we sing alot at Life Park.

When I get this tired I can’t remember where I put things (chemo brain?  or just getting older???)

Case in Point:  I lost my dress shoes Thursday night packing for our holiday trip--- looked for the longest and finally found them packed in the suitcase when we arrived at the hotel last night. hmmm- thought I'd checked there already!!!!

Soooo. . .
 I’m learning a new pace. 

. . . more patience with myself and others

. . . choosing peace over drama

. . . thankful  . . . Thankful . . . THANKFUL!

. . .realizing“perfection” isn’t what it’s cracked up to be – but relaxing and enjoying the moment are vital.

The Word says that God knows the number of our days – for me that will suffice.  I’m happy – lovin’ Jesus and lovin’ on all my people this Christmas Season. 

I’m grinning all the way down to my toes when I found out yesterday that Mat and Bethany will be joining the whole Bell/Good clan on Christmas night for dinner.  Lots of pics with grandbabies to follow soon.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Ready, Set, It's Christmas Already at Our House

I know it's early - but we started family Christmas this weekend.  Bethany and Mat had his Oklahoma Heart party  Sat night so we had a sleepover with the 3 little Goodlets and tonight we had our family Christmas dinner and tree with the kids.  OK, so it's early - but we leave on Friday to head to Denver by way of a wedding in OKC this weekend.  Long story short - we don't see them until after Christmas day, when we meet up in Vail to visit with Mat's parents;

My rush to decorate early and even decorate at all was to see the kids take it all in.  I have to admit that with lower energy - I almost didn't put ANYTHING up outside.  .  . but I wanted to see the kids faces looking at the lights.

We have a lot of horns and trumpets on our tree every year - and the kids do the usual undressing the tree -- Jack went for the lower ornaments that were all the dogs from the past -- Campbell the big horns and she blows them all over the house. Sydney wasn't so sure that you should take things off the tree.

This year we added indoor snowballs and have the most fun with snowball fights with Papa.  

It was  so delightful hearing Campbell yell, "A microscope -- just what I always wanted"!  
Sydney asked where her 3rd present was -- she liked the thrill of anticipating what was in the box.
Jack just played with the boxes -- he loved them best - but did take to his school bus of people.

Terry and I are giving each other the trip to CO for Christmas so that we can spend time bonding and loving on sweet Baby Clara -- we get to keep her during the time that Katie works her RN shift at the hospital and Marshall is on call.

And then hopefully we get to spend at least 24 hours with all of our family together in Vail.
Marshall works most of the holiday and we're hoping they can catch some time off.

So much to be thankful for this holiday season. .  . and family is the best place to spend our time.  Jan Good and I have reason to rejoice -- God has given us a year of healing!!!  

Saturday, December 5, 2015

All I Want For Christmas . . .

My list is pretty simple . . .

I don't NEED anything . . .

I have more clothes than I can wear in a month . . . 

I trip over all the shoes I have in my closet . . .

. . .  don't need any more cookware . . . I don't cook or entertain as much

. . . don't need any more cutsies to hang on the wall . . . my house is "busy" enough

I just want time with my family -- all together -- or family by family -- however I can get it.

In a little over two weeks, we'll kick off the season with this little gal.

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