Girls Brunch at Utica Park to usher in the next 35 days of holiday ---this year we included Campbell and Sydney.
Keeping yearly holidays with some of the same friends
New Tradition: C & S helping make the pumpkin pies! (oooh the egg cracking) |
Same foods around the table --
Nana's rolls - always have to make enough for the left overs |
Not a bit of Christmas decoration until day after T'giving at the Bell house and then work like crazy for 2 days to transform the inside and outside.
Next week's Nutcracker (the kids' version) with young mom friends of Bethany's and their little girls. Sydney kept calling it the Graham Cracker Ballet.
But as we gathered round the table and I was asked to say the blessing -- all I could say was "Thank you for the year you've brought us through."
This morning the kids played after our sleepover - I just basked in the wonder of their chatter -- taking note of how far Syd's language concepts have developed -- watching Campbell get ready for her first 5K - which she did in 40 minutes -- seeing Jack toddle everywhere and observing that he DOESN'T HAVE TO TALK -- because a grunt and pointing gets him ANYTHING HE WANTS!

Getting pics of Clara 3 months old today and happy as she can be!
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