God is in CONTROL

Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Boy With the Lunch

With Mother's Day approaching, I was thinking of Bible Mothers and ways I could possibly tie it in to my Sunday School lesson and Communion meditation. -- in a neat little package -- taking care of it all in one swoop. I felt clueless -- and prayed an SOS prayer --
For some reason - I  randomly thought of the little boy who shared his lunch that enabled Jesus  miracle of feeding nearly 20K -Bible says 5 K men besides women and children  What popped in my head was- "Where WAS his mother???   All those people and she sends this kid off with a lunch  -- how many moms today would send their children to the Tulsa State Fair alone or some concert??

Maybe he was curious and  just followed the crowd?  or

Maybe his mom was somewhere in the crowd like Jesus parents when they discovered he wasn't around -- Imagine --Jesus  parents lost the Son of God!!!!!

But back to the boy . . .

When Peter brought this boy  to Jesus -- What stirred in Jesus as he looked at this young boy? --
 Did he remember his early pursuit of God's business in the temple?

There's so much in this story --

How did this boy feel when Peter grabbed his lunch and took him to Jesus?  

The Bible says that Jesus had just heard the news of  John the Baptist's death and was trying to get AWAY from crowds  when people came with all sorts of needs -- and he met EACH of them 

We see in this story his concern about sending them home having had nothing to eat --notice it wasn't that he had invited them all to join him by the lake -- He was trying to retreat and be ALONE and they all came after him -- but he didn't want them to faint from hunger on the way home --

Ever wonder why there were twelve basketsful that the disciples picked up?

12 of them --

Could it be that it was Jesus' way of saying -- "this is for you, guys -- each and every one of you -- your own personal application"  I am the provider -- YOUR Provider.

. . . Don't know -- just wondering

Jesus did a lot of teaching around a meal -- eating and ministering --
That's what takes place during our weekly meal -- Jesus ministering -- teaching 
I like what I read from Gwen Smith in a Girlfriends in God e-devotional -- "As God's children we are called to connect our believing to our behaving; our convictions to our conversations; our lip-service to our life-service."
That happens when we are intimate with Jesus in this communion time.

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