Terry's quite a snow fan!!! Growing up in Denver and Colorado Springs -- he's often moaned and groaned that we never get enough of the white stuff. . . . WELL . . . this week has met his every need for a winter holiday! I feel like we're living that snow scene out of Dr. Zhivago!
Yep, it's just me and my man -- old snow bunnies nice and toasty inside --sitting in front of a roaring fire with temperatures of six degrees below outside.
It's interesting what staying indoors days on end will do to you . . .
>> All of a sudden you realize how very much you want fresh air -- but glad we aren't out in it. 'So thankful for warmth and electricity -- 'praying for those who don't have it
>>We play "chase the finch" to get that determined little critter out that somehow manages to wedge it's way into our garden room through the snow-drifted doggie door. Each time he can catch a a tiny slit in our den door, he makes it into the house and then begins the great chase to shoooo it outside! (relieves a little of the hum drum around here)
>>This is my chance to tackle all those projects I put off -- like sorting a truckload of receipts for income tax -- my office has never looked so clean!
>> I got this desire to cook comfort foods like cheesy garlic grits, and chicken taco soup, loads of hot cocoa and make some homemade bread. We made our traditional buckwheat cakes Tues. morning. (This tradition started with my mother -- Early in our marriage --whenever we would get "snowed-in" in Illinois -- we'd head to Mom and Dad's and have a breakfast of homemade buckwheat cakes and sausage.)
>>> I find myself glued to the tv for hours -- Every morning I tune in to see what the roads are like --don't know why -- since we can't make it down our street -- eyes are crossed from seeing that ribbon of school closings.
>>> It's fun to talk to old friends and see what their weather is and brag about our own snowfall. (My dear childhood friend in the St. Louis area and I compared the snows of our childhood in Illinois and remembered that seldom did they call off school -- that people just put chains on their car -- blankets in the backseat and kept up with life. It seemed like winters were more harsh)
Looks like we're going to have a few more days of this . . .I'm trying to avoid the urge to make cookies and all the sweet stuff and spending more time working out on my exerciser. . . want to get busy quilting a quilt top my grandmother pieced together . . . need to do some curriculum planning for our upcoming parenting class . . . I'd better grade some student's papers . . .
Terry's got plans, too . . he's got a scooping project going: His goal to make it to the mailbox today -- don't know why ---- the mailman can't make it down our street. |
Almost there! |
We live in a city that has diligent weather forecasters -- weeks ahead they track weather patterns promising us the "big one" of whatever weather is headed our way -- seldom is it as extreme as predicted. I have to admit that I've become cynical about these forecasts. I realize that these projections of what our weather could become does save lives and have to admit we have even signed up for these weather alerts to be texted to our cell phones.
It's beautiful outside -- yet with all this talk of Jet Streams, Fronts, Weather patterns, I'm still reminded that Our Father is still in charge of the weather -- |
He says to the snow, ‘Fall on the earth,’ Job 37:6
He spreads the snow like wool and scatters the frost like ashes Psalm 147:16
lightning and hail, snow and clouds, stormy winds that do his bidding Psalm 148:8
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