"We shall not all sleep, but we all shall be changed." Terry, of course admits that this verse is really about the resurrection, but quotes this as the baby scripture in the Bible. It was written on a baby card we received when Bethany was born. Both our babies experienced colic. When the doctor said it could last for 3 months - I thought that was a lifetime!
I googled Colic and found out Mayo Clinic defines it as:
as crying more than three hours a day, three days a week for more than three weeks in an otherwise well-fed, healthy baby.

Little Princess has been having a difficult time from 2:00 - 10:00 most days -- and sure enough, shortly after I arrived on Tuesday morning -- it was time to do the "walk-the-floor", "pat-the-back", "sing-every-song" you know routine I used on our kids.
Bethany did her research -- a pediatrician's book said follow the 5 "S's" (Soothe, Shsssh, Stomach, Swaddle and Sway) She asked friend's advice and then found something natural called "gripe drops" -- WORKS LIKE A CHARM--- Two minutes after giving Campbell a few drops -- she's calm and dozing!!!
6 am Bethany knocked on my door-- She'd been awake since 4:00 -- time to hand off Little Miss -- probably best not to use the drops too much -- Nana got to rock and hold and sing and pat -- but found going outside next to the AC unit which was running loudly worked wonders! In a few minutes Baby Hope was peaceful and sound asleep.

Ooooops it's been an hour and she's waking up --- better go check the diaper!
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