God is in CONTROL

Monday, July 26, 2010



Sunday, July 25, 2010


Today, I choose YOUR grace rather than guilt -for YOU cover my sins moment by moment.
Today, I choose YOUR power rather than my own SELF-SUFFICIENCY or insufficiency.
Today, I choose YOUR wisdom rather than my own one-liners and quips.
Today, I choose YOUR heart rather than my own that loves conditionally --
. . . Choosing loving rather than judging
. . . Choosing giving, rather than hoarding or waiting to receive.
Today I choose to do your work out of sheer love for you – not sense of duty or obligation.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

We found ourselves heading back to Kansas City -- 'had to catch up with Little Miss Campbell Hope! She just turned 1 month --so we had to go coo and cuddle with her.

She's even more alert now -- sleeps longer and her bedtime issues are getting better. This child has a hundred different expressions and her photographer mommy catches LOTS of them! Campbell Hope is one of the most prayed for and prayed over babies and we thank every one for their countless prayers.

Pappa hasn't lost his touch -- he babysat so Bethany and I could errands and sang to her the whole time!!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Lazy Days of Summer

It's been anything but lazy for our Outreach / Associate Pastor, Cecil Henninger and his team of dedicated assistants this summer (A big thank you to Mary Lou, Jim, Dana, Josh, Mikel, Donna, Janet, and Denise). Life Park is enjoying the opportunity to work with students at Remington Elementary in a 2-month Vacation Bible School / Feeding program effort. We partner with this school on a regular basis during the school year. The school provides the space along with the breakfasts and lunches and we fill in the rest. I get to drop by from time to time and lend a hand. The 25+ kids we've gotten to work with are awesome -- attentive to the stories -- quick to respond with the learning games-- and eager to cooperate -- couldn't ask for more. God has opened a wonderful door.

Learning Activities & Crafts

Waterpark trip

Friday, July 2, 2010


Okay, Okay -- I talked them in to it -- but I guess I'm Campbell's very first babysitter. As my last post showed-- colic is a real issue in the Good household -- I decided Campbell's mommy and daddy needed a breather -- Campbell and I had seen the wee hours of Friday morning together as did her parents. To say Thursday night was long would be an understatement. The hardest part was to see Campbell so uncomfortable.

I'm armed and ready with the bouncer seat that vibrates -- the bear that makes soothing sounds (i.e. the ocean, the womb, a rain)-- the "Bob" running stroller that lulls "C" off to sleep (Don't think I'll be doing any running -- but if the kids will show me how to set it up this high-powered thing-- I can make it 'round a couple of blocks if need be.

NEW DISCOVERY - the vacuum cleaner is a MUST for calming down the Little Miss. Studies say the frequency is equal to what she heard in the womb -- interesting!!!

Wonder if that would work for adults who can't sleep at 2 am?

I really miss my man -- he and I usually tag team it when we babysit!

Look at that precious sleeping cherub-- can't be all that much to babysit this tiny little 6 1/2 # angel!


Babysitting was a breeze, the kids were only gone a total of an hour and twenty minutes -- (that included a trip to the grocery store). Campbell and Nana watched TV, sat outside and listened to the birds (don't think she could actually see what was going on out there) -- she fussed - Nana sang -- she fussed Nana rocked -- she stayed calm and happy for the whole time except for about 15 minutes.

Hanging out with Nana, watching Reba.

She WASN'T in the mood for the kiddie aquarium jungle gym.

Mommy and Daddy got home relaxed and refreshed and so Miss Campbell decided she wanted a night out also and got a late night car ride because of nonstop crying and fussing for two hours. (Vacuum cleaner had no effect, bouncy seat just wouldn't do it -- so Mom and Dad revved up the engine and took her out for a cruise. Meantime, Nana was sleeping peacefully through the whole ordeal!

Sat noon: Life is Good now! -- We decided to have girl's day out before I head for Tulsa tomorrow afternoon.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


"We shall not all sleep, but we all shall be changed." Terry, of course admits that this verse is really about the resurrection, but quotes this as the baby scripture in the Bible. It was written on a baby card we received when Bethany was born. Both our babies experienced colic. When the doctor said it could last for 3 months - I thought that was a lifetime!

I googled Colic and found out Mayo Clinic defines it as:
as crying more than three hours a day, three days a week for more than three weeks in an otherwise well-fed, healthy baby.

Little Princess has been having a difficult time from 2:00 - 10:00 most days -- and sure enough, shortly after I arrived on Tuesday morning -- it was time to do the "walk-the-floor", "pat-the-back", "sing-every-song" you know routine I used on our kids.

Bethany did her research -- a pediatrician's book said follow the 5 "S's" (Soothe, Shsssh, Stomach, Swaddle and Sway) She asked friend's advice and then found something natural called "gripe drops" -- WORKS LIKE A CHARM--- Two minutes after giving Campbell a few drops -- she's calm and dozing!!!

6 am Bethany knocked on my door-- She'd been awake since 4:00 -- time to hand off Little Miss -- probably best not to use the drops too much -- Nana got to rock and hold and sing and pat -- but found going outside next to the AC unit which was running loudly worked wonders! In a few minutes Baby Hope was peaceful and sound asleep.

Ooooops it's been an hour and she's waking up --- better go check the diaper!

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