. . . Holy women of the past who put their HOPE in God. . . 1 Peter 3:5
I found that passage this week as I read verse after verse about HOPE . . .
I was reminded of Hannah and The Shunamite woman -- I've mentioned them before in my blogs -- they are my heroines in the Scriptures because both were women who wanted children so very badly and prayed in faith for those children.
The Doppler device came in yesterday afternoon and Bethany put it to good use -- checking Baby Hope's heartbeat several times -- loud and clear 153!!! How much that little machine the size of an old transistor radio keeps our hope strong.
Prayers are literally being offered up around the world. So many people have connected to family and friends and asked them to pray. Her daddy and I are awed by the responses of so many.
. . . This momma hates to go home today and leave her precious kids . . . I'm seeing them trust and rely on the ONE in whom they have put their HOPE.
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