It's a new year -- very little history is written within these first two days of 2010. It's an open road before us. Where will the road lead? Who will become nearer and dearer to us this year? What experiences will HE bring us to and through, to teach us more about HIMSELF? That story is yet to be written.
I was restlessly flipping channels this evening and caught Gloria Gaither sharing that Frances Shaeffer's question "How then shall we live?" deeply impacted her in college and later prompted her to write a song which has become an important close for many of their performances -- I Then Shall Live
What struck a chord with me was her honesty when she said, "I hope people realize that the words to the song, are what I aspire to -- I'm not there all the time -- but this is my heart's desire." She continued with the thought that we have to set our aspirations above and beyond us to become more what we are to be.
It resonated within me so deeply-- the words that I write here in this blog or share with others are not where I live all the time -- but are my heart song that brings me back to what I hope to be in HIM. . . reaching for more of HIM.
What will the New Year bring for any of us? GOD alone knows --
My heart's desire is to live this year as these words from Gloria Gaither --
Gaither Vocal Band I Then Shall Live lyrics
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