He spreads the snow like wool and scatters the frost like ashes. Psalm 147:15-17
What is it about a snow day that makes us all feel like celebrating? We always get out the hot chocolate, make soup -- and even cook a big breakfast! Haven't done "SomeMores" or hot dogs in the fireplace -- but that would be a great option!
My students, who did show up on Thursday, were all wired -- certain that they wouldn't be back to school on Friday (of course, here in OK we tend to call things off well before the first flakes start to fall and on Wed. night the Governor did declare a state of emergency - the reason for so many absences) -- I gave my usual warnings -- "You're not the experienced driver you think you are -- drive like you have an egg under your foot -- no quick braking -- no sudden acceleration -- don't over correct if you start to spin just enjoy the ride (maybe that wasn't the best advice)-- BE CAREFUL and I want to see you all back here on Monday".
For us teachers -- it's that unexpected time off to catch up -- We got off an hour early so I loaded up my briefcase with papers to grade and a new curriculum to work into presentations --
knowing full well, that I was going to crash for the evening and get back into bed b/c I had been going to work for three days with some sort of "bug" -- achy, chilling and my head feeling like it was five times it's size.
I got home to find that my friend, Nancy, had sent the best chili and cornbread even with grated cheese to top it all off -- What a doll! We'd been living off last Saturday's potato soup and some chicken & noodles Terry had made on Tuesday!

On what day does the exhilaration of a snow day turn into "cabin fever"?
Snowbound Day 1 -
Sat in front of the fire, logging entries into Excel to figure our 2009 taxes. Something about going over the bank statements every year brings back so many memories. I saw meals out with Marshall when he came home or we went to OKC - I found ones for trips to KC and places we went with Bethany & Mat. 'Made me miss the kids -- so I decided to cook -- put in a little turkey breast and that made the house smell wonderful!
Snowbound Day 2 - looks promising
Last Saturday's garage purge -- makes me want to clean a few closets and toss some more stuff-- I have clothes older than our soon-to-be 30 yr. old daughter! -- but, in starting to sort - I found some baby fabric my Mom passed down -- what could I make for the little "Goodlets" with that? I PROMISE 2010 will be the year of the great garage sale! (didn't happen last year, it seems)
I need to get some food cooked for tomorrow's potluck -- wonder if anybody will be able to make it to services? -- On the days we have a Church fellowship after being holiday- or snow-bound everybody is thrilled to be together.
HMMMMM Day 3 is when "cabin fever" starts to set in for me" that's tomorrow -- good we'll be out by then! I still have my lesson to plan for tomorrow's Primary class-- it was to be Jesus calming the storm -- think -- we'll look at how many mentions of weather and science there are in Job, as well. The kids should be REALLY wired after three days cooped up inside! (kinda' like me :-)
Terry and I have prayed for what God needs us to be about during this time . . . and we have continued to thank HIM that we have power, that we are warm inside and have all that we need and even MORE than we need.

Maybe the best thing about snow days are that they force us to stop our routine -- realize that it's not the local meteorlogist but God that controls the climate and weather and to consider the greatest lesson the snow brings to mind:
We have JESUS -- our salvation -- who washes our sins WHITE AS SNOW!