T's Birthday
This Wednesday we began celebrating Terry's 73rd birthday with lunch out at our family's favorite Indian Restaurant. Last night we all got together here to wrapo-up our week and celebrate Pawpaw. T enjoyed all the cards created by the Grands. He spent his evening making certain that each child was in the spotlight as they shared about their day during dinner.We're lively and loud and Pawpaw and I LOVE< LOVE< LOVE our house filled with their noise!!! We were such a busy bunch that I didn't get a single picture last night!
Our October has been busy and full . . .
50th Anniversary
Back in the summer, Terry got an e-mail from Charlie and Charlene Dietz asking him to renew their vows on Oct. 1st to celebrate their 50th anniversary. We haven't seen them in over 4 decades -- but renewing the relationship in Excelsior Springs, MO was a delightful weekend. Charlie and Charlene were the second couple that Terry performed a wedding for back in 1971. As a young minister he hadn't had much practice -- but the marriage has been solid!
They hosted us at the Elms Hotel a 125 yr. old Spa in Excelsior Springs.
Getting to know four generations of their family was memorable.
Excelsior Springs is close to Kansas City which gave Terry and I the chance to take in our favorite places there. Bethany and Mat lived there for six years and we have sweet memories of visiting them there.
We knew we had to drive by their first home -- eat at our favorite restaurant in Prarie Village - The Blue Moose
and take in our favorite Parks and Gardens.
Loose Park:
Kaufman Gardens
Sydney's 9th Birthday Adventure
Each 9th birthday the grandchild turning 9 gets an adventure in which their gift is to get to do something they haven't done before. Sydney told her mother one night that she either wanted to be a vet or a glass blower.
Tulsa Glass Blowing School is a place that I had wanted to check out and so I reserved a class for Sydney to get to make 3 different items.
Blowing her ornament
Campbell was selected to receive the best sportsmanship award by her classmates. This is what they spoke about her: "She can always tell when I need help and offers to help me", "She is a good sport, when she wins", "She never brags when she wins and she always plays fair." "She never cheats and is always humble" We are so proud of her leadership and sweet spirit.
All six grands decorated pumpkins sometime during the month of October.
Carmichael Pumpkin Patch - Bixby
It took us two tries to get there -- Campbell shut her thumb in the car door on our first attempt. We had fun -- Sydney rode a horse,
Campbell fed the critters
and Jack conquered the haunted house.
Orr Family Farm and Pumpkin Fun - OKC
We rode the train
Slid down the big trough slides
Bounced HIGH
And rode the carousel
Jack and Sydney celebrated "Book Character Day" -- Sydney was Madeline and Jack was Roger Federer
Pawpaw waited on the neighborhood trick or treaters
Clara, Charlie and Calvin enjoyed trick or treating their new neighborhood
Sydney, Jack and Campbell trick or treated with their friends in the neighborhoodGOOD Fishing
Fall break Mat, Bethany and the kids headed forWhite River for two days of fishing. The fish were biting and everyone caught tons of fish!
Family Visits
Allen and Sandy were heading home from visiting Chelle in Abilene. We love it when they can stop in. CoVid has kept both us and them from traveling and it was great to get to spend time together.