God is in CONTROL

Monday, March 18, 2019

Happy Birthday, Charlie!

You are our little leprauchan -- you missed a St. Patrick's birthday by a few hours

Charlie - while you are celebrating with your mommy and daddy and Clara -- we are celebrating you in Tulsa this weekend. 

 We all love you very much and know you're pretty special.  Here's what we all love about you: 
>Your laid-back chill attitude since the time you were born.

and your sweet little "bless you" the every time someone sneezes.

You certainly are a SUPER HERO --  

We love your contagious little giggle.

You love all puppies and are so gentle with them -- Rusty's cage is a favorite hang-out.

We love the way you look up to your big sis -- who has always delighted in you --- shared with you and been super proud of her "Chawlie".

Oh, sweet boy -  you are growing so fast and we love watching your personality develop.  You are soooo smart -- you know your colors and shapes and numbers!!!

You remind us so much of your daddy at this age -- 

We love you bunches and bunches -- all the way to the moon and back!

Monday, March 4, 2019

Sweet Glimpses of Special Moments

Our 46th anniversary Jan 20

Jack came to hang out one Saturday morning while C & S were at ballet and brought pj's in case he got invited to spend the night.  Tooo much fun -- I love the time to just do life in his world!  It's a world of super heroes -- lots of convo about his dad -- and BB8.

Katie, the Queen of DIY has been hard at work getting their house ready to put on the market.  -- Marshall often posts pictures of her latest projects.
A special moment for Bethany was when she and the family got to attend a KU / OSU Basketball game in Allen Field House.  The kids unwrapped game gear on Christmas morning and were told they would get to go to the game in February.  Playing in the game was a student Bethany had taught in Olathe Kansas when he was a kindergartener.  #14  Yor Anei is from the Darfur region of Sudan and has been a strong Freshman POKE player. I remember how deeply involved Bethany was in his progress in his early learning.

With both girls taking ballet at Tulsa Ballet, we were able to attend a stellar performance of Beauty and the Beast.  'Love our girl time!

At the end of February, we were blessed to crowd the whole family around our dinner table for a meal together with Bethany, Mat and their 3 and Marshall, Katie and the kids and send them off for their final stage of House Hunting.  Pawpaw and I got to have Camp Nana Pawpaw with Charlie and Clara,

                 By week's end -- the offer was entered and accepted on Marshall & Katie's new home!!!

Offer accepted: 

Each day has its many blessings == its rewards -- its challenges - and I am so grateful to be able to share it all with this man!  God is so good to me!

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Wal-Mart on a Saturday Afternoon -- Never Again

A couple of weeks ago I got busy with tax prep and other Saturday chores and put off my weekly trip to Walmart until the middle of Saturday afternoon.  WHAT WAS I THINKING???

I like to be there about 8:00 and out by 9 or 9:30 - who am I kidding?
This particular day I made what I thought would be a quick dash in only to find all sorts of people cramming the aisles.
I should have sized up the parking lot and headed out of that place until a saner time.  There was a mom with 3 little girls -- one of which was about five and wearing her Fisher Price Roller skates and falling all over herself.  I had to squelch my inner teacher syndrome to keep from going over to that mom and asking would she kindly put her kid in the cart so that she didn't fall and crack her head open.  I made a mental note to keep myself on a separate aisle from them.  It seemed like wherever I turned there they were!

Moving on to the baking /cereal aisle there were two g'mas blocking both sides trying to decide their next recipe all with a kid who was clearly learning the same behavior of taking over the whole span from shelf to shelf.

AND THEN . . . I get to the pharmacy and there was a mom and another 5yr old right where I needed to reach in and grab an herbal supplement.  The kid looks at her mom and asks, "Momma, why is that lady so old?"
The minute I got in the car I pulled down my visor mirror to check my hair and see what it was about me that made me look haggardly and old.
I was bummed all evening . . . All sorts of things ran through my head --"Age is only in your head" . . . "People ought to teach their kids manners"  "I teach my students to be considerate of others by being situationally aware -- what are parents teaching these kids these days?
The next morning in my waking thoughts -- clear as a bell -- God reminded me that I looked old because of the grumpy, cranky mood I was in.
 What's in our hearts -- shows up on our faces.

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