God is in CONTROL

Sunday, June 24, 2018

God's Supper

Communion, the Eucharist, The Lord's Supper -- whatever you call it --is a special time for me and our Church Family.  To get to preside at this table is an honor -- we do it all different sorts of ways.

Today in Sunday school a thought was triggered by our teacher, Preston Hemphill.  He said -- we often make it a discourse about the heinous crucifixion -- it's about love. -- reminding us that this sacrifice was about the extravagant love of our God pursuing us at the expense of His Son.

I thought about family meals when you go home, sit down and are reaffirmed for just being YOU.  .  . that everyone there loves it that you're with them and one of them.  On those times with family --  I would leave there is a deeper sense of who I am having connected with my roots.

God's Supper is a lot like that -- we celebrate it each week in our Church family and for that time it's a HOMECOMING MEAL that connects us to WHOSE we are and that we are LOVED, FORGIVEN and HAVE AN ETERNAL FUTURE.  .   . an infusion of HOPE for the week.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

ROAD TRIP: TWO WOMEN IN WACO or 2 Chics in a Pick-up

Early in the Spring, Marinelle and I decided we wanted to see Waco and all the "Fixer Upper" venue.  We set our calendars with the BLESSING of our husbands, (who clearly were NOT interested in seeing Magnolia Market and the Silos).  With debit and credit cards in hand, we took off Wednesday at noon after one of us (clearly it was M) had an appointment with our hair stylist and got a new "do" and looked great the whole time.

Never mind that we ended up having to drive a big loaner 2018 Chevy pick-up because Marinelle's suburban was on the blink.  I'm just saying -- she navigated Dallas rush hour like a pro in that big old thing!  

We checked in to our motel about 7 Wed. night and hit the market early on Thursday morning. 

 We oooh and aaaah over all the neat stuff that Joanna decorates all the houses with -- only they were new items -- clearly for sale-- not the ones she resurrects from the junk markets in town.

My favorite -- reminded me of our old airstream!

I found some cone flower seeds that I want to plant.

The whole thing is laid out well with parking in 1st Baptist's parking lot complete with a trolley that will take you to the major shops and boutiques.  Wednesday's shopping was mostly trendy mercantile spots --

Spice Village was loaded with stall after stall of jewelry, decorator items, clothes, and seasonals.  We found favorite signs --

 . . . laughed until we cried, 

We got lots of ideas for using our old things still lying around our own houses. . .  took selfies . . . got to see Clint's wood shop.

Thursday we got down to business hitting the real antique spots

We bought little - tried to stay on our diets and had a great time -- picking up where we left off the last time we were together. 

Through our 13 years of teaching side by side and doing life together, we got our kids married, ushered our parents through difficult stages, shared our souls and enlarged our spirit as we grew older.  I'm thankful for this dear sweet friend!  As my kids say of her, "Everyone needs a Marinelle in their life!"

Every road trip has a story!!!  
Marshall called us "Thelma and Louise"

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Gardening, Grand Kids, and Celebrations!

                                                            I've spent lots of time outdoors in the past 2 weeks.
My classroom has no windows and I virtually spend 9 months indoors.  Gardening is my "go-to" in the summer for reviving my spirit and renewing my energy.
Our irises this year were the most prolific ever!!!


The end of school is always a full calendar for our family. Terry and I are finishing up semesters --his OKWU ones run all year every five weeks and the little ones have lots of activities.

Sydney graduated from Preschool at Redeemer Covenant Preschool  - her words she "wants to be a queen when she
grows up so she can ride in a carriage and wear fancy clothes."

Dance Recitals

  and A visit from Grammy and Grandad
On SaturdayJune 2 we had a "Nana's Out of School Party" complete with 'slip n' slide' water shooters and water balloons.  We even had cake (a big deal to the 3 Goodletts -- one they had decorated for their parent's anniversary and we kept the leftovers frozen).
April 22nd Bethany and Mat celebrated 12 years!
When there's a lull and the "B" word (bored) slips out of somebody's mouth -- Nana or Pawpaw thinks up a chore that they can earn money on.  (They carried books downstairs for Pawpaw when he donated his library to a Christian college in Liberia.

Mastering the High Dive in Swimming lessons

Meanwhile in Colorado, two little Bells are growing quickly -- Charlie is walking now and 15 months old.

Charlie masters walking!!!

Clara looks out for Charlie and shares EVERYTHING with him.  They are definitely a team as she nurtures him and he watches her for cues -- Charlie even sits outside Clara's door if she has to go to time out.

Nana has another birthday!!!  
 The sweetest sounds are little ones singing happy birthday to you!
I was pampered all day -- Bethany took me to lunch and a pedicure. I loved the girl time to just visit and catch up.

This little guy had to dress up for my birthday dinner!!!

Campbell's 8th Birthday -- a surprise party!

Terry and I were to keep her busy while Momma, Sydney and Jack got everything set up -- we went for ice cream -- opened her packages at our house and then brought her home for the BIG SURPRISE!!!


Campbell is leaving for Camp Kanakuk on Saturday -- her first time at an away camp for the week.
Doing some stitching to help her keep up with all her things.


Father's Day

So many ways to celebrate these young daddies - but these pics of Dads and Kids say it best!!!

I'm adding one of my favs from several years back!

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Finishing Strong

It seems that the last 7 weeks of school felt like a whole semester!  My seniors came back from the walk-out break and were DONE!  As teachers our mail goal was to keep them connected and get them graduated. I put off the main meal foods lab they all love and saved the relationship unit that always brings good response until the final days of school- which helped tremendously.

Teachers were playing "catch-up" and trying to get everything finished.  Earlier, I had approached our principal, Mark Officer, and suggested a Secretary appreciation day and a Teacher luncheon.  Both meals involved shopping and careful planning with my students helping to carry it out-- My co-workers, Patty and Judi were huge help!!

I measured it a big success as I  heard the comment from one Administrator "I never get to sit and just relax like this" -and saw teachers enjoy the time to laugh and enjoy each other's company over stuffed potatoes,  salad and Patty Mayfield's killer brownies.

My last day of school, June 1st I got a call from my former principal, Matt Roberts, asking if I would stop by the 6th grade center for a presentation.  The 6th graders at Owasso raised $930 at their end-of-the year Dodge Ball game for our family support program which furnishes groceries for families experiencing a shortfall.

My students would  unload my car after a massive $600 shopping trip, assemble grocery boxes and organize for families in need of support

It's been a great year -- the theme of community carried me through as I saw student rise up to help others feel a part of the class.  The feedback I received the last week in response to my question, "What is your take-away from this class?"  was encouraging and gave me a feeling of accomplishment for my year's goals.

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