God is in CONTROL

Monday, August 21, 2017

Grace Dispenser

You remember the incident in the Old Testament where David takes a census and God is angry with him and another time he takes one and God is pleased???  I understand that a bit more now.

I have taken my own census of sorts this school year EARLY -- 

First off, I should have NEVER done the math to determine how long it's been since my senior year.  What's a number anyway???

Secondly --
As I started this year I admit I checked out my students  profiles – on-line you can tell a lot about your students – who their teacher’s are – what health problems they have – who might faint or was allergic --- who they can’t be near and EVEN when their birthdays are. 

I gave up looking at their school pictures before I met them years ago, because they all looked like juvenile delinquents in some random picture that was put on their profile -- Every year once I met them, I would be so pleasantly surprised at the good-looking bunch of students I had.

We haven’t even talked about those with discipline problems. 

I was disappointed.  I felt they were giving me a boat load of people with lots of issues.  

I was overwhelmed--
I began to approach the school year with dread.

Then we went to professional development where we were told we needed to upgrade all our forms of technology and provide lots of ways for students to be busy and to not teach longer than a few minutes at a time so they wouldn't tune us out. . . AND THE CELL PHONES -- WELL DEAL WITH IT!

Then I read the example of Zaccheus and Jesus and the fact that Jesus CHOSE to hang out with the people with the biggest issues -- the biggest problems.  I started to see that with the concept of building community in my classroom - my students could help each other.  I could be the grace dispenser in the room and help us build a group that took care of each other.  

I realized that I had been feeding this discouragement -- that I could turn it over to the one who cared so much more about them and let each day unfold according to HIS plan.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Back to School

50 years ago I started my senior year at Edwardsville High School.  I could use all sorts of trite phrases like, “time passes fast when you’re having fun” or ask “where did the time go?” or quote my mother – “the older you get the faster the time passes.”   I don’t dare tell my students how long it has been since I started my senior year – but I do want to use the video clip from the Farmer’s Insurance commercial.  “We know a thing or two, because we’ve seen a thing or two.”

I’m reading a book that Bethany shared with me this Spring – Present Over Perfect by Shauna Nyquest. – it takes summer for me to slow down enough to get a chance to read and savor every page.  I love what this young mom of two boys says about getting rid of the hustle and high performance – to be able to be present with those nearest and dearest to us.  Being “all there” for them and the people we encounter on a daily basis—not rushing to fill our days with so much busyness to feel “OK” with God and fulfill some higher purpose we have set up in our own agenda.

One of the things that Shauna has shared in her book is embracing the season you are in – throwing off the trappings of the previous season and living fully in the present one.  She believes this is best done in those times of being still with God – remaining in the outdoors soaking up His beautiful creation to start and end each day.

I want to carry that same mindset into this school year –  living day to day in the moment of God’s good grace aware of what HE is sending my way for the day, week and season.

Summer Fav's

It’s been loads of fun this summer.  – we’ve made a lots of memories.

> Jack’s bounding up the steps, “Where’s Papa?”

>Sydney’s waking up early always in a good “chirpy” mood – talking to her baby doll  – meeting me in the common area upstairs – “Can I play with my dolly house?”

>Campbell’s cartwheels all over the house and mothering (and bossing) the other two when they will let her – hanging out with me on Tuesdays when Jack and Sydney are in pre-school.  

>Shopping for the homeless with her and letting her decide all that we would put in the blessing bags that KU Kids were making.  
>Family dinners in the dining room with all three clamoring for their time to say the prayer

>Chats with Bethany and Mat in the den when the house gets quiet and all are finally in bed.

>Sunday night suppers with everybody cooking dinner in the kitchen.
>Camp Nana Pawpaw while Mommy & Daddy were in Sonoma

>Sunday afternoon work days with Mat and Bethany sweating up a storm – and the kids opting out of work to play in the yard and drink Gatorade (a rare treat)

>Sand castle moments.

>Monday morning walks with the kids on scooters always ending up at the school playground.
Bethany has taken on the cooking and she and Mat have shared in our yard work and they made certain that others took care of the upkeep and cleaning on the house – it’s been a relaxing summer and one that has allowed me to stay free to relax and play with the kids,  giving me time to study these littles carefully – looking deep into their smiling faces and seeing the miracle and wonder of a growing child.  

Bethany and I keep reminding ourselves that – Jack isn’t going to be 3 for very long and that these years are passing so quickly -- We remember that Sydney still is the child whose many facial expressions say it all – or that Campbell’s tender heart, strong will, imagination, and creativity are going to carry her far.  She’s the little girl who has cartwheeled herself through the whole summer. 

We've gotten to spend time with our CO babies twice this summer.  We launched the summer with a Memorial Day trip to Denver , spending 4 days.  
Sweet little Clara, says “thank You” for everything and now she’s nearing the two’s where she’s already starting to exert her own will.   Charlie has a precious grin and adores his big sister waiting on her every move.
It thrills me that it takes such a very short time for them to get reacquainted with us.  Marshall and Katie’s take on that is “They don’t have a choice – you’re their grandparents.”  Face-timing just isn’t enough – we have to get our hugs and playtime with them.

These are moments Terry and I have cherished and savored this summer.    Just like my parents, we retell every fun thing all five of our grands have done that day.  We know that we are blessed beyond measure to share in these special times.  Being in this moment watching them grow – to us is a true gift!

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