God is in CONTROL

Thursday, June 22, 2017


In all my sorting our office and settling upstairs I came across various remembrances from my Dad.

First thing I found was a gas rationing card from WWII era - there was a favorite picture of my dad that was always in our living room and lastly was the opening page of one of his reference books that he would study preparing for adult Sunday School.

I loved my dad's handwriting - always so exacting-- a lot like my Dad.  Careful in the way that he lived -- leading the Church -- setting goals for us kids to achieve a college education at a Christian school--guiding us with those Sat morning talking times at the breakfast table..

So many memories came rushing back as I found these 3 treasures.  .  . the legacy of faith he left us . . . the courage he had as he faced debilitating illness in his remaining years.
I want our grands to know this man of strength and courage.   I love you, dad!

Friday, June 16, 2017


I bought my mom this book one year for mother's day . . .she used to tell stories of the Brian clan and summers together at their grandmother's house.  I remembered this book as I was cleaning out space for our "Goodletts" to move in for our summer together..

I loved it because it described two families in an extended family that spent their summers together.
It was a sweet story of how they filled the house, shared their food and loved making memories .
Sort of like what we're looking forward to.  We want to spend one to one with each child -- have long talks about things that really matter -- like sloths, slugs and other of God's creatures, and enjoy lots of outdoor time in the sand castle.

God always hears my heart in  these matters. I had just been moaning to Him about the fact that with teaching, I was missing my Nana time at the kids special performances.  The very next day - Mat and Terry talked about making this a summer to remember while their home was being remodeled.
Moving Day in front of their "old" house
We've watched Bethany organize, toss, pack and get this move together for their family.  We're so glad they are able to leave for a family vacation before it all starts for them on June 5.

Mid-May I started the same -- getting rid of what we needed to cull.  Who needs 8 yr old cell phones?  I'm emptying closets - filling trash bags for Goodwill -- and tossing the rest.  People can't live on top of somebody elses' stuff!  It felt good to empty closets -- the question was -- where to put it???

We've been together for 10 days now and life is Good!  The past week has been afury of activity for them.trips to pick out all sorts of  building supplies and fixtures while trying to determine where that missing box or item is -- storage -- the new house or forgotten somewhere.

Birthday celebrating with all seven of us!!!

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Making Memories

T and I look for any openings in our teaching schedules to get to CO to see our Colorado Kids.  Memorial Day weekend as we left Church -we loaded our bags and the dog in the car -- and headed West.

We loved on the kids for 3 solid days - Thanks to careful prepping on Marshall and Katie's part, Clara makes up with us quickly -- Pawpaw is still her favorite I do have to admit.

Charlie is growing rapidly and is so quick to grin and focus on every word we say.  It was hard to put him down the whole time I was there.

Katie says he looks like Terry --

We spent lots of porch time -- the weather was cool and these two littles are outdoors kids already!

Clara has been overseeing her daddy's building project of a play house for her in the back yard.

Katie and I made our regular trip to IKEA and got caught in a traffic jam -- due to a fuel truck fire on I-25

Marshall and Katie are terrific hands-on parents and their babies are thriving!

Clara's favorite is Curious George and she enjoys sharing him with baby brother.

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