God is in CONTROL

Monday, August 29, 2016

Happy First Birthday, Clara Mary

Happy Birthday, sweet baby girl!!

Clara where did the last year go?  

We got to meet you when you were just a week old and this weekend we got to celebrate your first year. . . it seemed to pass so quickly (for Papa and me, anyway).

You have taught your mommy and daddy the ropes as all firstborn newborns do.  You broke them in well.

  You’ve been a good teacher -- with your sweet laid-back spirit and winning smile. you engage everyone with your grin and the twinkle in your eye.

You have grown so quickly and are so in love with people.  You flirt -- You blow kisses, wrinkle up your nose in the cutest way and wave to everyone you meet.

You’ve learned so many words, love to say “da da”  all the time and adore your momma!

Your mommy and daddy couldn’t be more in love  with you!

Your Pappa is your special person and you look for ways to get his attention flashing those cute little eyes.

Clara Mary, your birth brought so much happiness and promise of life and health to all of us.  You are God's grace gift and His reminder of miracles.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Happy Birthday Mathew B. Good

So many memories of the years we've been family . . .

. . .meeting you for the first time after Bethany and Marshall tried to scare you about all my questions - calling me The Inquisitor

. . .all the wonderful meals you've grilled up for our family dinners -- 

. . .your shopping for it, hosting and making sure that every need is met  

. . .chasing all over Chicago with you as B ran the Chicago marathon hopping off and on the L trying to locate her mile markers

. . .your choice of music and 

. . . the family videos you create for our Bell/Good holidays together


We LOVE watching you care for your family  . . .



I love that for the past 6 years you have sung the same song every night to your little ones.

You make adventures for your kiddos like trips to Braum's (I won't remind you of the diaper fiasco) or book trips to Borders

We recognize the sense of teamwork in you two as you raise your little ones.

No matter how hard your day or how weary you are when you come through that door, we see you switch into "daddy mode" and do power hour, meals, baths and bedtimes as if you had all the energy in the world.

It's touching to watch Jackers trail you all over the house the minute he hears you come through the door.

Your life is busy with your responsibilities in the medical field -- you make critical decisions and care for your patients with expertise -- we respect and appreciate the physician you are.  We love hearing people in Tulsa brag on you.  .  . but most of all you're a fantastic father and husband.

We are so glad these past 12 years you have been a part of our family circle. Happy Birthday, Mat!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Goodbye Charlie

Terry did the most painful part and spared me that -- I washed up your dog bowl -- put away your dog bed and am going to hide your toy for awhile.  All reminders of the ways you enjoyed life.

I have to admit that your loss, little guy has hit me harder than any other pet we've had. . . . 'could be that is true because you favored me more than Terry most times (He's is the dog whisperer deluxe and other dogs pretty much ignore me)

We reminded each other of dogs who've gone before you -- The infamous Cisco who was brother to our foster daughter Sharon for 19 months -- the Church dog - who interupted many a softball or frisbee game on the church premises where we lived by getting it and running off.  Pooh - our first dog -- Buttercup, of course Maggie, Macey  & Durvey.    BUT YOU -- 

. . . you had so many little unique traits about you.

. . . someone must have fed you ice cream, because whenever we ate it you would go nuts for some.

. . . you coughed and hacked to communicate what you wanted.

. . . you knew exactly when it was snack time at 9:00 before bed -- 

. . . with your deafness you watched Hyder for cues. Hyder looked out for you and made sure you got where you needed to be.

. . . you LOVE the 3 Goodletts and during their sleepovers you would cough and sputter all night until you could get into their room to sleep -- wherever they were, you had to be there. . . . hanging out under the table - hoping to catch their table scraps.

This is so true...: As you got worse, you would bounce back after a rough night.  You seemed like the Eveready Bunny!
If the kids happened to be over you were so ready to play -- jumping up on the couch to watch them in the playroom.

You took the growing cyst in your leg in stride,  but the last 10 days Terry couldn't relieve your suffering.  

You were 16 that makes 112 in dog years -- your time had come -- we just weren't ready for it!

Psalm 36:6 You, Lord, preserve people and animals -- never read that before --  Pope Francis 
feels that dogs will be in the Kingdom of Christ

Heaven is a place where all the dogs you've ever loved run to greet you ...:

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

My Summer Fav's

These are too good to pass up!!!  I had a hard time picking my summer favs

Clara conquers the stairs
She did it!!!  We gave her carrot bubbles for Easter and that is her big enticer! Can't believe they still have it!
11 months old and getting to see her daddy after about 3 days!!

Too cute and too cool
Can't wait to see this sweetie on her birthday in a couple of weeks!

Marshall makes the milk carton when his mentor can't find him after texting 6 times in 5 minutes and sends out this on an e-mail.
This blog has lots about Sydney -- but she's growing so quickly in her ideas -- these are things I want to remember.  It's fun to watch Sydney's reasoning develop. If she doesn't know the answer to what you are asking -- she comes up with the funniest responses.  
The other day Syd found out there was a swimming pool in our neighborhood and proceeded to tell her mother about it, telling her that Papa and I swim there without our clothes.

Baby Rosie goes everywhere!  When Syd is sad, upset or sleepy -- she looks for Baby Rosie. We have running conversations about her all the time. --
Me:  When is Baby's birthday (her name before she added the Rosie)?
S: July 4
Me:  How old will she be?
S: 5
Me:  So she's older than you?
Sydney was a bit puzzled -- not being up on number sequencing.

Baby Rosie -- sleeps with her "momma" and is talked to continuously all day.  Syd has a whole make believe world that she shares with Bethany.
When Campbell is challenging momma and about to have a melt-down Sydney becomes the perfect polite child -- exactly opposite her sister's drama.  (she has done this since she was about a year old)

The other day I found Sydney sitting on the counter in the bathroom  having an animated conversation with somebody.  I asked her what she was doing and she explained she was teaching her girls how to brush their teeth.  These imaginary friends have different names depending on the day.

For a short week Rosie was named Rosie Matthew Good.  .  . but now she is just Baby Rosie again.

Around here we take Rosie pretty seriously and make sure she's in the car when we head out anywhere. . . it just sweetens the journey. LOL
Helping me at school

Waiting on us at Best Buy
When Sydney was sleeping over the other night -- all by herself -- it seemed as if she was missing her big sis and little brother.
S: Why you don't got any kids?
Me: Your momma and Uncle Marshall are our kids.
and I offered to show her the album of her momma's first year.  Thumbing through the pages she was trying to put it all together.
S:  Who was taking care of me when you were taking care of Momma?

She kept asking when we would be at the end of the book. My guess is -- she wanted her momma to grow up to the mommy she is today.

C won the $13  quadruple dog dare  to taste the jabanero salsa from Uncle Marshall.  
Anyone who talks about building something Campbell immediately gets paper and starts drawing out the plans.

Campbell has entered the world of BIG SCHOOL and has been busy this sumer with camps and pre-K readiness activities.  She is so READY and we are eager to watch her success.

Jack continues to be our EXPLORER --

We had a hard time getting Jack to keep his explorer hard hat on for his birthday -- but his big sis's were only too happy to model it.

We have loved having the girls at KU this summer -- Sydney's first night she worked hard be a big kid just like the others.
Campbell easily connects with all the students who come and is our biggest fan of Kids University.

This is my fav or our four together:

Friday, August 5, 2016

Happy Birthday, Jack

Oh, sweet boy -- how my heart melts when I look at those big blue eyes and precious grin.  Your glasses make you even more adorable.  I was holding you the other night and it took my heart how very handsome you are. Your giggle brings such joy!

You keep us on the move whenever you are here -- even when you are supposed to be sleeping.  You climb to whatever you want.

We heard you in the cabinet next to your pack 'n play finding things -- like the permanent marker you marked yourself up with while we were sound asleep -- once when I checked on you, you had the packing tape dispenser lying beside you in your crib.  Sometimes you wake up singing and talking in the middle of the night -- and our hearts pause to that beautiful melody.

You are the one that wants the cap put back on every tube -- every door shut or things to be set straight.

You want to see how every thing that moves or makes a sound works

You love brushing your teeth and flushing.  

(letting you brush your teeth several times a day was the only way mom could keep your glasses on you.)

Your giggle is infectious and your daddy is your best buddy

You walk in a room and size it up - then push a chair to what you think you need

You and Papa are all about the rough and tumble

You DON'T walk -- you RUN.

It seems you grew so quickly, wanting to keep up with your sisters.  By 18 months you would "whaaa" letting us know that YOU SAW what Campbell and Sydney just got and you wanted one too.

Jack Tucker Good - you want to sit between Papa and I during dinner and then quickly get on someone's lap so you can eat off their plate.
You weren't quite sure what to do with water balloons -- but quickly learned
I loved it during our sleepover last Friday when it was thundering that you came running,  looking for me -- to sit in MY LAP -- no one else would do!

Yes, little buddy, our prayers for you are that God will use you mightily!

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