God is in CONTROL

Sunday, July 31, 2016


Image result for modern day prodigal son
I read a book years ago titled, "The Autobiography of God" by Lloyd John Ogilvie (former chaplain of the Senate.)  He said if you want to know who God IS -- read the parables.
Ogilvie explained that this one in Luke 15 is about who God is -- that the story really is about THE FATHER -- not the two boys. . . one full of independence -- one full of self-importance.

Over the years I've come to see so much about our Father in this parable:
      > He didn't go looking for His boy and drag him home
      > Undoubtedly, He'd heard the stories -- He knew what his youngest was up to. (Today, his pictures would have been all over Facebook)
      > He merely was home waiting.
The Bible says, HE saw him off in the distance --meaning, He was not only waiting -- but watching.
The verse says HE RAN -- in those days -- Jewish men didn't run. 

I can just imagine that son -- when he got to the end of himself -- and was down on his luck -- with a gnawing in his gut -- he REMEMBERED how good he had it at home.  He probably rehearsed the words over and over that he was going to say to his Dad.

Terry taught me the other night that this was a well-known Jewish parable and to the Jews the hero in the story is the oldest son.  .  . but Jesus gave it a new twist --

He came to show us the Father and in that story he teaches the greatest lesson of redemption and a fresh start.  No sooner had the words of "just let me be one of your hired hands" gets out of this son's mouth than his Dad is throwing a huge celebration.

I love this about God that HE allows us to choose and gives us freedom-- but is always standing ready to welcome us Home when we are at the end of ourselves.  GOD RUNS!!!

What if the older brother, (who by this time had a big case of "what about me?" gnawing in his heart)-- what if he'd been the one to see the older brother first -- would the younger have made it back to Dad???

I know it's a PARABLE and I don't want to beat it to a pulp -- but I see so much in this story --  this happens in our lives over and over. Sometimes we're the older brother -- sometimes the prodigal.  We might stay away from God far too long, thinking there's no way HE'd ever take us back -- We let our spirits become dry by the spaces we put in our together times with HIM.  Or maybe we have a case of "what about me?" when it seems like God's blessings and favor have all but dried up.

Either way . . . . HE's waiting 

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Happy Birthday Katie!

A little over 3 years ago you became our daughter -in-love and that day our family grew by one beautiful woman!  

You and Marshall are a team and as his momma, I appreciate the support and understanding you lend to his hectic schedule and busy life.  Terry and I love watching you two as you do this parenting thing together.

Your schedule is maxxed as you care for Clara, are Marshall's wife,  take care of your extended family and work a busy week as an RN.   

You're strong and gifted in so many ways.   You spoil Terry and me with your lavish TLC, making our visits relaxing and restful.

I so enjoy the time I get to spend with you!  I am proud to claim you as one of my own!

Love ya so,

Monday, July 18, 2016

Kids University

Kids University has been a special mission of our entire family for five years.   The past 18 months of health issues caused us to downsize in late 2015 - early 2016,  Our efforts focused on the children of the mothers who attend the class led by one of the KU moms.  We serviced 8-10 instead of our usual 20-40 children.  As summer arrived the kids in our neighborhood began to come  in larger numbers.  It was terrific to see kids from previous years. . . it was clearly more than Terry and I could manage on our own,  Lora Obert-Thorn and her husband Keith stepped up to help.

Both our kids and their spouses have supported this effort from the first day.  This summer Bethany and Campbell have joined us to help with our increasing group of students and Mat and Sydney plan to come help this week.  Answered prayer:  we have been blessed with many needed workers and moms of Bethany's friends are joining us to have a fantastic July.  Another project - Mustard Seed led by Cori Lyon is helping the children of our attending moms have the necessary school uniforms and supplies they are needing.

Jesus and Art with Ms. Robin

What foundations are you standing on?  Our 4 core values are: Trustworthiness, Service, Hard Work and Respect
Serving Others: Sewing for the Homeless

These are just a few pictures of our Wednesday night activities.  Please click the link below to get a history of these special kids.  You may want to check out previous years when our community garden was in full swing.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Waiting . . .

Image result for waiting
Bible class last week  was a strong dose of WAITING from John 11 – where Mary and Martha had to wait two days on Jesus to come heal their brother who in the meantime died.  No where does it say they came to see what the delay was or ask to be put at the head of His healing list.   Our teacher gave a great parallel to our time of waiting in faith on Jesus answer to our prayers.  I could understand it in the spiritual day-to-day realm of deep needs –BUT it seemed the hours since have been one test of waiting after another. Not an hour later after leaving that class I encountered a  LONG 25 minute wait at Best Buy who brags on NO WAITS if you make an appointment.  
I decided most of this summer's agenda has been about THE WAIT

. . . WAITING to adjust to the medications and for my energy to return and the achiness to stop.

. . .WAITING for the heat index to get below 90 degrees and Fall breezes to clear the summer doldrums.

. . .WAITING to find out what I am teaching and what my schedule looks like for next year.

. . . WAITING for the Social Security to get Terry's account straightened out (and the waits in that office are long enough)

. . .WAITING for my phone to be fixed - and my computer repaired -- within days of each other

. . .WAITING for the plumber to get my kitchen sink back in working order after a 4-day break (don't know how Bethany did it without her kitchen 4 months!!!)

Thursday our wait took  the form of a storm that knocked out our power for 6 hours -- I can't complain -- several around us were without for 2-3 days.  But 5 hours into it -- I was DONE!!!
With no phone and stress rising -- Terry decided it was time to take me to the Apple Store to check out my phone -- better that than be stuck with a whiney wife.

Something about Wednesday's class magnified that so much of life involves waiting and being patient -- knowing Jesus best purpose is to grow us up in faith.

The Bible reminds us that God is patient- not wanting any of us to miss eternity with Him. . . 

Saturday, July 2, 2016

New Beginnings

One season is complete and another one begins:  Yesterday, July 1st Marshall began his 3-year fellowship in Cardio Thorasic Surgery. This picture is his last day of Residency yesterday and Clara's first day of preschool.  Momma cried -- Clara was a trooper.  Love our 3 Colorado Kids.

They love Clara at La Petite Academy -- I hope Marshall's people feel the same about him.

All I Wanted Was A Picture of Our Four Grands Together

I told Bethany that for my birthday I wanted a picture of the 3 little Goodletts and Clara TOGETHER!  I figure - she's the best photographer I know -- they were all going to be together -- it just made sense.

BUT I know what it is to take children on a trip -- We used to take Bethany and Marshall on long trips to family and could never predict exactly how moods would transpire -- with naps and meals and bedtimes interupted.  We'd already tried this number at Christmas -- 

Girls couldn't be happier but "no-nap Jack" didn't want any part of it!

All week we've gotten some great text pics of their time together -- to say I'm jealous is an understatement!!!

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