I love to go back and create pictures and powerpoints that depict all the highpoints of our family life.
Created a framed piece when Terry turned 50.
Made a power point for our 40 years --
But for our 43rd I want to mark this time by saying how blessed I am to have done life with Terry Bell for these 43 years. I did give him 43 reasons I love doing life with him -- but that's only for him.
I don't know what my life would have been these past months without his careful nurture and nursing.
We met in ministry (he was our Youth Pastor) and we have done ministry life together for 45 years. |
Terry has alwys been big on adventure - on a raft of a styrofoam block he found at lake's edge. |
He is father to our two precious kids and father-in-law to their two awesome mates we are blessed to call our kids also.
He is Pawpaw (his spelling of the name) to 4 beautiful littles (All under the age of 6).
He looks forward to the time he can spend with them and makes sure that they have FUN when they're together -- whether it is pillow or fake snowball fights, hide n' seek or jumpy jumpy. He dotes on them, hangs on what they say and remembers and re-tells it all week. Christmas vacation, he looked forward to being able to babysit Clara while mommy and daddy were at work.
Children have always had Terry's heart. . . He was a bus minister to 300 kids in the 1970's.
He loves to put his hands to building special play spaces for them --whether it was building a submarine for children's Sunday School in our first ministry (long before kids of our own) -
making an indoor play house for Bethany when she was 2 or
building a tree house out of discarded stadium seats for them in elementary school or
or designing a teepee for our KU kids on the Church property this past Fall.
Now in this season of life, I cherish the time we spend together with our kids and their kids and have come full circle, once again in children's work this time at Kids University.